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OK so I gave up or should I say I was forced to give up. The two rust buckets I am building right now I really wanted to use the old rusted chains I had laying around for them. However neither was long enough so I was going to make one our of two, NOPE. The size for the teeth is differant so I was forced to go by one. So all that just to ask, is a BELL chain good. Got it at Wally world but I remember growing up I thought BEll was a good brand, just wondering?
voodoowagon said:
OK so I gave up or should I say I was forced to give up. The two rust buckets I am building right now I really wanted to use the old rusted chains I had laying around for them. However neither was long enough so I was going to make one our of two, NOPE. The size for the teeth is differant so I was forced to go by one. So all that just to ask, is a BELL chain good. Got it at Wally world but I remember growing up I thought BEll was a good brand, just wondering?

KMC makes an Awesome Chain.
I'm Not sure about Bell.
I've used Bell before...good old Wal-Mart.

Of course, I'm not riding the bikes very far or beating on them.
Yea bell chains work well ive used them on single speeds and hub gears, havent tried them on a deralier yet.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

ricksterr1221 said:
The owner of my LBS Is a dickfaced beep! I hate him with a passion! He is sooooo snobby and stuck up. I rode my panther there once, He said why are you riding that old POS? I WAS MAD!

did he try to get ya to trade up ? thats when i would have got mad bout the comment. you know better tho :D
I see that lots of you guys feel the same way I do about chain tools. When I teach bike maintenance, I always tell people "buy whatever chain tool you want, eventually you'll own a Park CT-5"

I helped Budzilla assemble the furniture bike at the Oakville/Hamilton gtg last weekend. He forgot his chain and we had to go rummage through Yyzmec's parts pile. Long story short, he had a cheapo chain tool and it gave him problems, I think I convinced him to go with the CT-5 from here on out.

Budz, you go buy one yet? :lol:

And to go back to the original question.

For multispeed chains I like to use SRAM Power Link master links on all my bikes and always keep spare in the tool bag with the CT-5.

Don't leave home w/o a chain tool!
I have several chain tools including the CT-5 and CT-7 from Park. My favorite for a well lubed chain is theHozan Chain pliers it is similar to the Park Tool CT-2 You can never have too many chain tools :lol: I have been known to take bolt cutters or a cutting wheel to the really rusty ones. I use the Bell chains from WM for the low buck jobs. They used to be made by KMC. The only thing that chaps my arse is they are sized for BMX bikes and if you are putting them on something larger you will need to buy two of them to get enough chain. I think they are a 112 link count and most 26" wheel bikes take a 120 link count chain. :roll:

Aaron 8)
CCR said:
ricksterr1221 said:
The owner of my LBS Is a dickfaced beep! I hate him with a passion! He is sooooo snobby and stuck up. I rode my panther there once, He said why are you riding that old POS? I WAS MAD!

did he try to get ya to trade up ? thats when i would have got mad bout the comment. you know better tho :D

what do u mean trade up? Like offer me somthing for her?
CCR said:
Markm said:
just busted my cheapy too.....

havent broke my cheapy yet, guess i need to build more bikes :D

JUST BROKE IT !!! :oops:

guess ill be gettin a park tool then

(and yeah ricky thats what i meant, talk about your bike like its nothin special, when they know it is, and tell ya theyll give you so much off a new bike if you give em your old ($$$) one, fishin for a sucker)
I should get a chain tool, it is just to easy for me to break out the "ol' grinder". :mrgreen:

and talk about fishin for a sucker, I met a guy the other day that tried to trade me a newer ford for my 65 Belvedere!!! He was dead serious!!
CCR said:
(and yeah ricky thats what i meant, talk about your bike like its nothin special, when they know it is, and tell ya theyll give you so much off a new bike if you give em your old ($$$) one, fishin for a sucker)

I didnt stick around to see what he was gonna do, After he called it a pos i told him to S@#K MY D@(K And left. Probably not the right thing to do, But i had a bad day. and he set me off. Oh well were cool now ,went in there nd i apoligized He said its okay, And hes sorry too. But yeah dont talk bad about my bike.

You should see what i did to the guy who called my Schwinn A Huffy!! :x :x :x No offence to you huffy riders i like them but there is no comparison.
man i HATE making longer i doing something wrong or is adding links one of the hardest longest taking processes ever...?
i have a chain tool and it took me an honest 2 hours the other day to put a chain back on a bike! 2 hours!!!!
now i do it with a helper...still takes 20+ monutes and several attempts

please tell me there is an easyer way!!!lol

If you're using a crappy chain tool, it will feel like you're wearing boxing gloves and working in the dark. Get a nice tool, maybe read a tutorial, and practice on an old chain. You'll be fine. (never push the pin out completely!)


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