Can you sell a bike that is part of your history? ("BigJim")

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I can totally relate. I never thought I would get rid of get rid of Fugsley, but the size of it was difficult and I had to play "Tetris" with the bikes as GSC said. But it ended up being such an honor that Nick dug my creation so much that he travelled all the way from Tampa to trade for it. Now I am going to be trading Firewing. Its painful to let go, but it is also very flattering when someone appreciates your work so much.
Funny you have this thread going. I am actually dragging me feet with finishing my current project because once it is done I will probably sell it because it will be in the way.
Well, BigJim just left for it's new home... :(

Sad to see it go but at least now it will get out and be seen, it will be getting a full clean up and repaint and some new parts thrown at it and will be seen at most hot-rod shows in Victoria, may not be ready for Tatura in 2 weeks but will definitely be ready for Bendigo rod show by the time it rolls around.

Onwards to the next build... :dance2:

I think you made the right choice Luke. That will be cool if you see it at shows too. :) Sounds like it will have a good owner.
That was what swung the deal in the end for me, I probably could have got more from someone else but I know this guy goes to all the shows and will get it out and about and used, much rather that than it just sitting somewhere.

Happy with the deal, it went to a good home.

It's just a bike.

Some might consider that statement sacrilegious or offensive, but in the grand scheme, it is a pile of parts. What makes a bike unique is the maker's vision, creativity, and labor. The intangible qualities you might think follow a bike are always with you. Keep building and creating.

Now, on to the next one!
Will definitely be seeing more of it, I am down at his yard fairly regularly and will make sure I get some photos once the make-over is done, might even catch it at some car shows if I decide to take the Swingbike to some... ;)

I think you made a wise decision. Something I have learned about customs is that everyone loves them, but few are willing to own them. When an opportunity to move a one of a kind bike comes along, it is sometimes a one of a kind opportunity to sell.
Unless something fits in your casket, it all ends up with someone else eventually.;)
Well said.

I sell probably 10-12 bikes a month. I'm not going to lie, it's just business...but there are some I really get attached to and will shell out the dough for.

Anything prewar built by Colson has a place in my heart. Other than's all for sale.

I've found that if there is a very small group of bikes that you collect (Prewar Colsons for me)..It's much easier to sell the others and keep from developing an overwhelming collection with no rhyme or reason.

That's just me
sorry but i just lol'ed how casually you said "(hit a kangaroo)" not common here in San it ok?

I thought the same, but I figure hitting a kangaroo in Australia is about a common as hitting a deer here in Texas. I've hit a deer. My dad had one hit him. It ran into the side of his Ford Ranchero, a vehicle which coincidentally owes its existence to the Ford Ute of Australia.
sorry but i just lol'ed how casually you said "(hit a kangaroo)" not common here in San it ok?
Short answer? No, pretty sure it was all over for it.
Long answer? Hit it pretty hard, from former experience it would have flown to the other side of the road, went looking to make sure it was not suffering but could not find it, so it either flew so far off the road that there was no chance of it surviving or the rather unlikely chance that it was fine and hopped away...

Hitting kangaroos is fairly common in country Australia, I would guess somewhere in the region of 1,000 a day roo/car collisions, thankfully where we are we mainly get the smaller grey Kangaroo and not the massive red kangaroo, I was in a car once that hit one of them at only 40km/h (30m/h) with a bull-bar and very nearly wrote the car off...

Was just checking through some pics a friend posted from the Tatura car show today and look what he snapped a pic of, and he did not even know I built it!


Looks like he has not done much to it so far aside from moving the seat forward and up, must be waiting till after the show to have more time for the next big one...
Good to see it out and about! Apparently he and his buddies were riding it around everywhere... :)

Short answer? No, pretty sure it was all over for it.
Long answer? Hit it pretty hard, from former experience it would have flown to the other side of the road, went looking to make sure it was not suffering but could not find it, so it either flew so far off the road that there was no chance of it surviving or the rather unlikely chance that it was fine and hopped away...

Hitting kangaroos is fairly common in country Australia, I would guess somewhere in the region of 1,000 a day roo/car collisions, thankfully where we are we mainly get the smaller grey Kangaroo and not the massive red kangaroo, I was in a car once that hit one of them at only 40km/h (30m/h) with a bull-bar and very nearly wrote the car off...

Lucky it wasn't a wombat,otherwise you would have been Fred Flinstoning it home...:21:

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