Chestnut Hollow

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. I'm not quite sure I understand this it a retail establishment or just some obsessed guy's collection?

I'm thinking that money has never been an issue for them either.

A mind blowing group of rare bikes. :shock:
its a business/collection
they used to have catalogs and I dont think they sell much on the internet except jerry jr does on ebay by the name 33kong
the catalog I have is volume #6 and it has some of the coolest drawings you have seen and extremely rare parts with low prices but I assume this catalog is from the late 1980s since it has an article in it dated july 1987 and in the article it says the collection started 30 years ago
they even had parts remanufactured at one time to sell
the drawings of all the original decals are so cool!
maybe I should look into scanning it and posting it online hmmmm
I would possibly part with this catalog if someone was interested. I have never seen one sell before on ebay and its hand stapled lol








Man...those are cool.

I'm sure the Internet played a part in causing their prices to skyrocket.

Wonder what will happen to all of that stuff when the owners pass away.

If they have any kids they will probably auction the whole load of it off.
as far as them selling the stuff, they do sell it on ebay, i grabbed the guys email address and emailed him about parts and he gladly offered me some parts but man they are expensive, i was looking for a luxury liner headlight and asked him, the next day he sent me an email with photos of a mint one they had for 325 bucks.....a little bit too pricey, but its definately worth it for its condition even the inards were intact and not a speck of rust
I just made an appointment to go there tomorrow (sat. 23rd). He told me to bring anything I want to trade including guns, comics, and old toys. I'll let you know what I find.
Boardtrack fan said:
I just made an appointment to go there tomorrow (sat. 23rd). He told me to bring anything I want to trade including guns, comics, and old toys. I'll let you know what I find.
Pictures, pictures, pictures!!!...Kelly :mrgreen:
Boardtrack fan said:
I just made an appointment to go there tomorrow (sat. 23rd). He told me to bring anything I want to trade including guns, comics, and old toys. I'll let you know what I find.
AWWWWWWWWWWW.....i would so stalk you and go with you...but i have a family function to go to :(
I Know this guy!!!!!!!!! Ive got his phone number, i was gonna buy some fenders from him, he told me in his email hes got a 1000 bikes.... I thought he was joking :shock:

His ebay name is 33Kong, he'll sell bike stuff or trade them for old comic books or movie memoriabillia.
I just got back from chestnut hollow. OHHHH MYYY GOD! You know that scene in Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory when the kids enter the room where everything is made of candy? It's just like that! Everything and anything you want is there. I was able to trade him a Shelby frame for a schwinn frame and I bought a Torrington stem for 25 bucks. Inside is the private collection and most of the valuable parts. Some of the bikes in the collection are for sale, most are not. He has some bikes/parts that are prototypes and one offs. He does take trades and he is always buying. They also collect guns, movie memorabilia, old cars, coke machines, old signs and toys. I spoke mostly with Jerry Jr. who is a very nice guy and seems happy to show you around. They have several hundred frames sitting outside under a lean to and even more out in the open. When the weather gets better my buddy and I are invited back to go through the piles! I told him to start putting the frames on E-bay with the words ratrod in the title. If you guys have any questions I'll try to answer them. Or just give Jerry a call.
My trade

My purchase
Were these two guys on American Pickers? If they were they thought every thing they had was Gold! Looks like no respect for those bike frames outside in the weather rusting away. But if you want to buy one I bet they are priceless.

"The Jerrys have a huge collection of bikes, maybe the largest collection of bikes in America. They bought some of the rarer models in the 1980s, before the internet had everyone on earth pulling old bikes out of their garages and attics so they could sell them on eBay for way cheaper than the Jerrys paid. The Jerrys want breath-taking prices for their bikes, so breath-taking that Mike and Frank don’t even try to have a pissing contest over the bikes. They do, however, want to have a pissing contest with Jerry Jr. over an Argentinian King Kong poster that Jerry Jr. wants $4000 for. A phone call to their movie poster guy tells the boys that the poster is worth $500. The boys decide to not buy the poster, which actually shocked me because the boys have yet to foolishly blow a lot of money in this episode. Notice that I said “yet."

from American Pickers story line

If they showed up at my door I'd say grab an old bike and let's go up town for a beer. I've gotten a super deal from them In Iowa and they for the most part rescue old stuff from hoarders that are letting the "prized" item rust or rot away.

The Other Gary

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