Were these two guys on American Pickers? If they were they thought every thing they had was Gold! Looks like no respect for those bike frames outside in the weather rusting away. But if you want to buy one I bet they are priceless.
"The Jerrys have a huge collection of bikes, maybe the largest collection of bikes in America. They bought some of the rarer models in the 1980s, before the internet had everyone on earth pulling old bikes out of their garages and attics so they could sell them on eBay for way cheaper than the Jerrys paid. The Jerrys want breath-taking prices for their bikes, so breath-taking that Mike and Frank don’t even try to have a pissing contest over the bikes. They do, however, want to have a pissing contest with Jerry Jr. over an Argentinian King Kong poster that Jerry Jr. wants $4000 for. A phone call to their movie poster guy tells the boys that the poster is worth $500. The boys decide to not buy the poster, which actually shocked me because the boys have yet to foolishly blow a lot of money in this episode. Notice that I said “yet."
from American Pickers story line