Cobrafreak's board track racer project, has ended

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Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Yeah sorry my mistake. I mixed my ports up. I was thinking that hose was on the exhaust port. :oops:

Dont know what the motor you had came with but mine has a flywheel with plastic cooling veins that can be easily removed. But do we need the veins on the flywheel along with some form of shroud to keep the motor cool enough, unlike motors like Briggs etc that have proven to run fine without shroud or cooling fins. I know you commented on how small the fins are as compared to most air cooled motors.

Im no mechanic so excuse if this is a silly question.... but im wondering, we have that a thin metal cover on the top of the motor (head?) where it says OHV. ..... "The Dixie Flyer" build used a GX160, dont know if its the same as ours because the base plate was on the bottom when motor was upright.
And he made a billet head with fins that was very very nice and made it look very vintage. My question is could we do a similar head on ours? And more importantly would it help with engine cooling and maybe make an engine shroud unecessary?
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Yeah sorry my mistake. I mixed my ports up. I was thinking that hose was on the exhaust port. :oops:

Dont know what the motor you had came with but mine has a flywheel with plastic cooling veins that can be easily removed. But do we need the veins on the flywheel along with some form of shroud to keep the motor cool enough, unlike motors like Briggs etc that have proven to run fine without shroud or cooling fins. I know you commented on how small the fins are as compared to most air cooled motors.

My GX200 clone had the same cast iron flywheel with the plastic fan. I will need to do some testing with summer coming. I have a laser temperature reader and will need to check what is acceptable and what isn't as far as too hot. I think that with a moving vehicle it doesn't need the full shroud when it is really hot. A small diverter that lets the air go through the cylinder from the fan may be enough.

Im no mechanic so excuse if this is a silly question.... but im wondering, we have that a thin metal cover on the top of the motor (head?) where it says OHV.
That is the valve cover. It comes off so you can adjust the valve lash. .002 for intake and .003 for exhaust. You will need to adjust this occasionally.

. ..... "The Dixie Flyer" build used a GX160, dont know if its the same as ours because the base plate was on the bottom when motor was upright.
And he made a billet head with fins that was very very nice and made it look very vintage. My question is could we do a similar head on ours?

If the dixie flyer was a GX200 then my hats off to him. I don't have a CNC (Computer Numerical Cutter) or even a mill or lathe. I couldn't do it. He is probably a machinist by trade. I'm just an ordinary guy with tools :D .

And more importantly would it help with engine cooling and maybe make an engine shroud unecessary?

Probably not. The less metal you have around the cylinder the worse the convection cooling.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I fabricated my metal intake manifold while I came home for lunch today (a 1 1/4" sink trap) and was tuning the bike and rode down my street (in the rain) just to check things out. Everything is going smoothly. I'll see if I have time to fab an exhaust when I come home from work. The air cleaner is temporary until I figure out something cool to do with it.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Lookin good. And yes an air filter will improve the looks..... Would love a side view. Does the carb fill all the empty space in the frame? If not i was considering making a box (dont know what they were originally used for) in front of the seat tube like on the original Indians ... 866a53.jpg
Cant wait to see your progress. Its gonna be sooooo nice!!!!!
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Finished the exhaust! I used the Poo Poo muffler on some electrical conduit I bent. It works great. I cut the whole rear of the muffler off for flow and it is still reasonably quiet. I'm going riding this weekend! :D
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Lookin good. And yes an air filter will improve the looks..... Would love a side view. Does the carb fill all the empty space in the frame? If not i was considering making a box (dont know what they were originally used for) in front of the seat tube like on the original Indians ... 866a53.jpg
Cant wait to see your progress. Its gonna be sooooo nice!!!!!

The carb is to the right side of the tank, not under it. From the side it fills the space. The box you are referring to is the battery box on the old bikes. Either that or it's for oil. But I think the oil was in part of the fuel tank in it's own chamber.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Man i love it!!!!!! That thing is awesome. Its perfect. I agree with you now i see the side view, It fills the gap perfectly. You are gonna fool some people riding that thing around. What does it sound like? Nice?

Now go ride the thing and iron out the kinks so you can advise me :p But seriously..... Great job Cobra!!!!!!
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Man i love it!!!!!! That thing is awesome. Its perfect. I agree with you now i see the side view, It fills the gap perfectly. You are gonna fool some people riding that thing around. What does it sound like? Nice?

Now go ride the thing and iron out the kinks so you can advise me :p But seriously..... Great job Cobra!!!!!!

Thanks! It sounds like the real deal. Virtually no difference between the sound of this and a real 1911 Indian from a you tube video I watched. Exactly what I was hoping for! I am waiting for good weather (frakin storm of the century over my head right now) to make a video so I can post it.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Heck! we also had a terrible storm over here yesterday.
Glad to know everything came out as you wanted.
I'm anxious fot the video.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

stocksucks said:
Great job Cobra.
How does that CTV handle?
And about the GX, is it powerfull?

The CVT is very smooth. It's weird for me transitioning from a hand clutch to an automatic, but it is really easy to ride. Torque is everywhere. Just blip the throttle and you are away in a hurry. The CVT also allows quicker stopping times because it is downshifting as you let off the throttle. It starts really easy due to the automatic decompression release on the cam. It would really be possible to have a hand crank start on this like an old Henderson Motorcycle or a Model T Ford. This would be serious engineering to do because it has to be perfect. If the hand crank got stuck it would break your hand. I need to study how Ford hand cranks were designed. As for speed, I don't know what this will do. I do know that it redlines at 6500 rpm and it has a 90:1 gear ratio full wide open with a 10 tooth sprocket up front and a 44 tooth sprocket in the back with 26x2.35 tires. I need a Tachometer. My Dad says his old 1943 Schwinn Wizzer regularly went to 50 mph with tire technology of the time with front drum brake and rear coaster brake. I read somewhere that modern bicycle tires could easily meet a speed rating rated for 70mph if they were tested. 50 to 55 would be my comfort zone.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

redline at 6500 :shock:
Mine goes up to about 3200...
I'm really interesting in seeing if and how you're gonna take that brand new look off the CTV.
Post the vid!
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I cant wait for your video. I saw your previous one on Youtube with your friend riding your Indian

And i bet it sounds good. Even my 5.5hp sounded good when i started it with stock muffler... a little on the quiet side but a beefy sound.

The CVT may not look vintage but i love the look of it. I gotta start saving my pennies for one. If mine turns out half as good as yours ill be ecstatic.

So youll be able to register this to get the full enjoyment out of this one..... Im wondering because in Australia you cant ride any internal combustion mb, if id be better off buying a Honda CT110 postie bike (all thats really available cheap) just for the headtube that the VIN number is on and build a BTR around it using my GX160 so it would have registration and even if a switched on police officer caught me and put me off the road id be no worse off then me putting it in a bicycle that i would probably get arrested in 5 minutes. Do you expect to get away with riding yours in the meantime? What do you have to do to register it?

But even if i did that, the stock Honda CT110 is good for around 7hp (dont quote me on that) , but is this a better motor then that? Sorry to hijack your thread but i would value your opinion
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
I cant wait for your video. I saw your previous one on Youtube with your friend riding your Indian

And i bet it sounds good. Even my 5.5hp sounded good when i started it with stock muffler... a little on the quiet side but a beefy sound.

-When you remove the exhaust "block" with catalytic converter and put a pull pipe on it it will sound like it should.

The CVT may not look vintage but i love the look of it. I gotta start saving my pennies for one. If mine turns out half as good as yours ill be ecstatic.

-I'm working on things to make the engine look old. You will see them in a month or two. That is how my last engine job worked out. I first made it run and then I started working on the ornamentation. I have some neat ideas in my head.

So youll be able to register this to get the full enjoyment out of this one..... Im wondering because in Australia you cant ride any internal combustion mb, if id be better off buying a Honda CT110 postie bike (all thats really available cheap) just for the headtube that the VIN number is on and build a BTR around it using my GX160 so it would have registration and even if a switched on police officer caught me and put me off the road id be no worse off then me putting it in a bicycle that i would probably get arrested in 5 minutes. Do you expect to get away with riding yours in the meantime? What do you have to do to register it?

-My bike is already registered as a moped with plate and insurance. So I need to stay in the bicycle lanes and keep the bike under 30mph. What I want to investigate doing is re-registering it as a scooter so I may ride in traffic. Mopeds are legal to have engines up to 150cc's. I'm 50cc's above that but there is really no way of knowing. Mopeds are also required to be 2 hp or less. I'm a little above that as well :wink: As long as I don't do anything stupid I'll be fine for now. If I could ride in traffic I could cut my commute time to work be 15 minutes.

But even if i did that, the stock Honda CT110 is good for around 7hp (dont quote me on that) , but is this a better motor then that? Sorry to hijack your thread but i would value your opinion

-The main appeal to the GX clone engines are the aftermarket speed part options. Performance cams, stroker kits, roller rockers, light billet flywheels, performance carbs, etc. You can make a GX clone much, much higher hp than stock. Just the Mikuni 22mm carb swap has 1.5 hp gains in some builds.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Hey Cobra what is involved in registering yours as a moped? Do you need a headlight, blinkers, taillight etc? And what about the frame, wouldnt it need a VIN number or at least have to be approved by an engineer to get registered. At least that would be the case over here.... :x
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Hey Cobra what is involved in registering yours as a moped? Do you need a headlight, blinkers, taillight etc? And what about the frame, wouldnt it need a VIN number or at least have to be approved by an engineer to get registered. At least that would be the case over here.... :x

You need a headlight and taillight. No blinkers are necessary. You do need to use hand signals. You need a horn and a mirror. That's it. You do the form online. They ask what the VIN is so you make a VIN plate. I used my initials with 1911 and a numerical sequence. I stamped a nice brass plate with the VIN number and affixed it to the frame. The DMV mails you your plate. I also had to get Moped Insurance through Progressive. It's just $160 a year. It was approved by an engineer, ME! :lol: I've watched Star Trek enough to know what Scotty would do in any situation.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Thats awesome. Dont u live in California? I thought Arnie went green and made things harder. But the process of u registering your bike is a cakewalk to what id have to do. Engineers certificates, inspections blah, blah, blah!

I did notice that brass tag you used for a VIN. Very cool!!!!! Keep the pics coming Cobra
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

The sky stopped raining and the streets dried up so I took the Indian for a real ride. OMFG! This thing has balls x10!!. Accelerates from a light as quickly as the family car. Had to control my thumb to not take off so quickly as to burn rubber taking off and drift sideways :) . This thing if freaking awesome. The sound the bike makes turns heads. It sounds soooooooo goooooood. I need to look down in front of me about 5 seconds so I can anticipate stops. The brakes are ok if I'm going slowly like I should. I anticipate the brakes would take a year to stop at faster speeds. Basically it is just like operating an old motorcycle. But remember, even salt flat speed record vehicles can't really use brakes above 75 miles an hour. If you are going to go fast, do it in a very safe place. Just because you can go fast as Heck doesn't mean you should. Quickness to legal speed is good enough for me right now. Your mind will look for dodging options because you know you could not stop in time with drum brakes. For what i'm after I'm ok with this. With the china girl engine I had to wait 15 seconds or so and ducking down to reach 30mph. The bike now hits 30 about 5 seconds and is just getting warmed up. The front pulley was changing ratios at 30mph but the rear didn't yet move. The speed potential in mind-numbing. I can ride slowly also. I can put around at 8mph with a 44 tooth chain ring. The slowest I could go with the china girl engine with a 44 is 10mph. Taking off without needing to help pedal is a real pleaser too. The only negative that I could find is that the CVT kicks in at 2200 rpm's, so if you are going 30 and release the throttle and pull the brakes the engine is at idle and you are brakes only to your stop because the clutch is not engaged. So you need to learn to brake while keeping the clutch engaged to slow down quicker. But I will learn this technique as I will take it to work tomorrow as it has pass all of my tests for reliability and toughness. I am totally comfortable with everything now. This engine mod is superb. I HIGHLY recommend it.

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