Cobrafreak's board track racer project, has ended

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Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

waspswatter said:
I just spent all morning reading the entire post! Love it!

Here's a suggestion if you're still thinking about kick start. How about a simple system using a cable that you'd wrap around the (I forget what it's called) and have a hook/attachment on the other end that you'd attach to the pedal? While up on the stand you'd just wind it, give it a quick stomp, and voila! You'd still have to manually wind it up at every start, but I think the cool factor would increase by 5%!

I'm currently working on my first build. A so-so boardtrack "homage" using a vintage Schwinn frame and Chinese engine I bought before I knew anything. I've long dreamed about making a serious BTR, you've added fuel to the fire. To me, the coolest thing about this build is that it seems within the realm of possibliity of the everyman. While your skills are certainly beyond mine, it seems like a project anyone could do with enough determination and the ample help available at these forums!

Me----> :shock:
Yes, it is within the reach of anyone, you just have to compartmentalize everything one step at a time. If you think "one huge project" it will seem impossible. If you think today I am going to make add a drop loop to the frame I am going to make a chain adjuster you will be one step closer to the end product. There were many things that I needed to four or five times over to get it proper. My rear brake is an example. I redid it four times because I needed a really good brake. A lot of uncharted territory went into this. I don't have the luxury of auto cad, so I need to make a part to see what 1.2 and 1.3 will end up like. So persistence is important. The best advice I can give is get as many pictures of what you want and study them. We can help with any questions you need on the forum.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Still waiting for the "photo shoot" of this beautiful bike with the new motor that it deserves. IMO you need (we'd like) more photos for us to salivate over please!!!!!! Your garage shots dont do it justice....
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Indeed. I'm curious to see what you did to change the appearance of the 4-stroke engine..
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I haven't done anything lately but ride it when I get the chance. For the last three weeks my Wife and I have been getting our Open Water SCUBA certification and it has been taking up all my free time.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

cobrafreak said:
Here is a picture from earlier this year. I was riding past Sacramento Harley Davidson which was having a charity BBQ with the Buffalo Soldiers M/C. I rode my bike in to check it out and they wanted me to pose for a few pictures with them. It was a lot of fun.
i find it funny that if you went to a Harley thing back in 1915 on an Indian you probably would have been hassled a lot where as now they think its cool :mrgreen:
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

You want to hear funny? I went to an Indian dealership in town and nobody said anything, asked anything, nothing. The most boring bunch of people I have every been around. I go to Harley, Yamaha, Honda, BMW, whatever and it draws crowds. Go figure. :lol:
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

So I'm curious.. How are those vintage looking boots that you bought holding up? I really wanted to find a set of WWI boots to wear when I eventually finish my build, but apparently no one wore size 13 back then :(
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

The English Field boots are great. They are what aviators where using back in the day. Looks the part and feel great. Get them on EBAY.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Still waiting for the "photo shoot" of this beautiful bike with the new motor that it deserves. IMO you need (we'd like) more photos for us to salivate over please!!!!!! Your garage shots dont do it justice....

Here are some higher quality pictures. My new IPhone 4 takes much better pictures than my older Blackberry Storm.


Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Awesome. That came out fantastic 8) The only thing that looks out of place is that flywheel, but there's not much that can be done about that.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I was thinking of different things to do with the flywheel. Paint it red in the middle, paint the whole flywheel red, paint it dull silver, paint it black, brass plate it, leave it alone. I don't know what would be best.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Thats awesome to say the least.... i say paint the flywheel black
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Won't painting the flywheel cause it to go out of balance though? (unless the paint job is perfect and even)
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

AKB said:
Won't painting the flywheel cause it to go out of balance though? (unless the paint job is perfect and even)

At 6500 rpm it would not be fast enough to cause a problem. It's too small and light.
Flywheel paint and full Parade mode

I was playing around with colors and shading and came up with this scheme for the flywheel. I think it looks a little bit better than before.


Going in the Carmichael Elks Lodge 4th of July Parade tomorrow in full pomp and circumstance along with classic motorcycle wear. I will be riding with the local Model A Ford Club. Should be fun. I'll post pics and/or video

Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

As with the pedals early on, the flywheel is definitely less distractingly inauthentic now. :mrgreen:
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Cobra just my $0.02....... just personally i dont like the red on the inner part of your flywheel, wouldnt black look a lot better?
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!!!! That looks so cool
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Lots of room to maneuver. I ran into the President of the local Ford Model A club last week and he said I should ride the parade with them. So I followed last in a group of about 15 or so Model A Fords. I was able to circle, do figure 8's, and come along the far left and right along the edges of each side of the street. I stopped for photos often for people and answered lots of questions. I did lots of waiving to the kids and horn honking. It was a hit. Lots of applause. I recommend doing a parade for a vintage bike build in full vintage garb. Nothing like it. I'm looking forward to next year.

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