Cobrafreak's board track racer project, has ended

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Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

This heavy duty rear hub is mandatory. As far as I can tell, it is the only one of it's kind in the world. It's manufactured by Grubee just for Motorbikes. Here is the link to this Hub:

If this hub didn't exist I don't know what I would have done.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Nice job Cobra. That is a nice little setup.

I may have to do the same with my hub. By the sounds of it the band brake isnt good for much. But not a terrible investment as the hub can be converted to this setup.

Cant wait to see what you come up with to cover it up. Ive been thinking about how to do it on my disc brake MB. It would be good to make a faux drum brake, failing that im sure a race number covering the disc would still look good.

To tell you the truth it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb as you can't see it from the right side of the bike and it fits within the sprocket outline on the left. I just may leave it the way it is. You have to look for it to recognize it for what it is. A number plate would work, but my center stand would need to be changed. A saddle bag would work. A faux drum brake cover may work to if you just had to get rid of the evidence of modern technology. I'll use it as is and see if many people comment. I could always say "the rear brake was upgraded in the mid 60's because the stock rear drum was no longer available for replacement" Lol.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Ok, I thought I would just try a number plate. What do you think? It covers the entire rotor and I made a twin of it for the opposite side as well.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Personally i prefer it with the race number...... and i realise this was just a trial plate, and you may already be doing this, but can you make the number plate cover the caliper and just have the calipers arm and cable showing? Similar to a drum brake...... ... 650-05.jpg
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Yeah, The plate wont be able to be flat because it has to conform to different ups and downs. I will need to add metal protrusions and weld them on to make a concentric 2D circle. I'll work on that. I like how it covers up the Tech. It's growing on me.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

cobrafreak said:
Yeah, The plate wont be able to be flat because it has to conform to different ups and downs. I will need to add metal protrusions and weld them on to make a concentric 2D circle. I'll work on that. I like how it covers up the Tech. It's growing on me.

Yeah i know what you mean. But it will be well worth the effort :p

Not to rush you or anything....... HURRY UP, HURRY UP, HURRY UP!!!!!.... lol, but hows that video coming along, the suspense is killing me :cry:
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Congratulations Cobra, you must be sooooo happy. That is awesome. How much better does it sound then the chinagirl? If youd passed me on the street id swear it was an actual Indian motorcycle :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

It sounds like the real deal. Great suspension of disbelief. I'm having a lot of fun with it for sure. All the power anyone could ever use on a motorized bicycle. It sounds to me much nicer than the china girl. It's a more relaxed sound. The two stroke sounded too high strung, but that's the nature of the beast.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Yes it sounds awesome, definitely inspires me to save my money to get my project moving.

Hows the rear disc holding up?
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Yes it sounds awesome, definitely inspires me to save my money to get my project moving.

Hows the rear disc holding up?

Works great. Win-zip brakes take the same pads as Shimano and there are a few choices of brake pad materials to choose from. The pads it comes with is the general purpose formula. There is a semi-metalic available and a dual composition formula that has ceramic with semi-metalic that is supposed to have the highest heat resistance. I think it's made for down hill racing. This would be good to stop a heavy motorbike.

I got tired of the number plate and i am making a fake drum brake cover for the disk. I'm half done with it. Looks good so far.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Yeah I was thinking of a fake drum cover. If you can pull it off it will look very nice. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Will it be stationary to the frame or will it move with the rear axle?
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Yeah I was thinking of a fake drum cover. If you can pull it off it will look very nice. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Will it be stationary to the frame or will it move with the rear axle?

Rear disk brake, I mean drum brake

I made a cover for the disk to make it appear as if it were a rear drum brake. It's convincing at first glance. I'm going to make a faux torque arm to cover the caliper in the future.

Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Good job Cobra, where has your disc gone? LOL

I would never guess it was a disc brake. Thats awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A better disk brake adapter than before

My engine chain was not properly adjusted and aligned with my rear wheel, 100% avoidable and my fault. I was not paying attention. The chain came off the rear wheel cog and broke some spokes. No big deal. I fixed the alignment and fixed the spokes. But in order for me to fix the broken spokes I needed to unthread the rear disk brake adapter in order to replace them. In doing so I messed up the threads and ruined the adapter. I believe I found a better part and wanted to list it here for others to see. Here is the link: ... Converter/


Basically it is a better built part. There are more threads to grab onto the threads on the hub. It is larger so that it just is not torquing on the threads, it actually rests on the six bolts that the chain wheel is mounted to, so it is not going anywhere, and it is billet aluminum. Very tuff. I have been using it for a day so far and I believe it is bullet proof. This part is easily double if not triple the duty strength of the first one I used. Oh, here is a helpful tip. When you thread on the adapter and the chain wheel, put a light coating of grease on the threads. It will act as an anti-sieze and prevent damage in the future. :D
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Sorry to hear that Cobra, but thanks for the headsup.... Glad to see you are back on the road.

How fast were you going when the chain jumped off? Did it lock the rear wheel? Did it damage your faux drum cover?

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