couldnt find the show us your pets thread.......

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:( just found out my dog (Penny) has to stay overnight at the vet, im told she has "acute glaucoma" in one eye and if they cant "help" it, she might lose sight in both eyes @ 5/6 years old .... im hoping and praying for the best for my buddy but i cant help but be sad :cry:

Thanks Mesa, i just got Penny back from the vet with about 3 different bottles of drops ive got to put in both eyes several times a day. You can still tell she doesnt feel normal but at least she doesnt act like its causing any pain right now. vet said she still has a light reflex in the bad eye so if these drops can get the pressure off, she may be able to see again, but shes still gonna need some kind of drops in her eyes for the rest of her days. Im just glad Ive got my dog back and that she seems to feel better. She goes back Monday to see if the drops are helping get the pressure to back off.
Give her a good rub behind the ears for me. We'll pray for the best for her.

We found out two weeks ago that our Golden, Ida, has a very aggressive cancer... :( She started chemo last week. We're hoping for a few more good months with her.


You gotta cherish every minute with your loved-ones - be them animal or human... You never know what tomorrow may bring.
sorry to hear that about Ida ... wishing the best for her too, i know how much my dog means to me and i would bet id feel as strongly as you do if i were in your situation.

as for Penny it seems she has lost complete sight in left eye and the most painless way to take care of it is to remove it, her other eye tested within normal ranges for pressure and seems to be staying that way, over the weekend shes regained a little bit of energy and the lost sight doesnt really seem to bother her that badly. so now we have to lose the bad eye to get rid of any constant discomfort and treat the other eye with some drops everyday and hope it holds on as long as possible.

my family has been tryin to rib me about owners that look like their dogs, im blind in my left eye from an accident when i was 7, now they say my dogs just tryin to look like me :wink:
Triggerfish said:
You gotta cherish every minute with your loved-ones - be them animal or human... You never know what tomorrow may bring.

You got that right. I'll be thinking about your Ida. We recently lost a foster to cancer. It stinks. But at least we know that we are giving them the best days possible while they're here. I consider us blessed to be able to care for our furry friends.
Keep up your spirits CCR - I'm sure Penny will do well. Sounds like she's got stellar care in your hands.

Tosa2112 said:
I consider us blessed to be able to care for our furry friends.

I couldn't agree more.
We found out that our little girl, Maize need to have both her back knees rebuilt. Turns out its a fairly common Chihuahua birth defect (luxating patella). But still scary. She's only 2 years old and weighs in at 5 lbs. She and my wife are each others constant companions, my wife is terrified to be without her for a day and a half.
Supposedly the surgery is pretty routine, but we still worry... :/
Her first surgery is Oct 22, with an estimated 6 week recovery.

Maize and her beloved "mini-me"
well ... my dog goes in tomorrow morning to have her left eye taken out, spent last night at the vet on an emergency call because the right eye started doing the same thing the left one did before it went out on her. we get to the vet and she starts acting like nothing happened, the right eye checked out okay still so we dont really know why its acting up too, plus the vet said it shouldnt be acting up because of the drops are keeping the pressure down, im just hoping theres not something else causing it. hopefully they will be able to tell if something else besides glaucoma caused the blindness after the surgery. she acted normal the rest of the night but was back to crying and keeping her eyes shut this morning and i just cant stand seeing her in obvious pain when theres nothing else i can do :( i just hope this surgery helps out. if ya cant tell, i love my dog !!!

neither look like they feel too good right now :cry:
blind side

good side
dropped her off this morning, they said i may get to pick her up this afternoon if she comes out of it well, gonna be one sore little dog but hopefully its just temporary discomfort for her.

thanks for all the well wishes, it means alot to me.
well shes home now, still groggy but she seems to be doing okay considering, honestly i think the collar bugs her more than anything, the bandage comes off tomorrow and the stitches come out in 2 weeks (the collar for 2 weeks too :? ), basically they remove the eye, cut off the area of eyelid that has the eyelashes an sew the lids together i believe they do something to the tear ducts too, it prevents other things from becoming infected or problematic by removing the other stuff along with the eye.


best of luck to ya Ida and Maize !!! :!: :!: :!:
CCR said:
best of luck to ya Ida and Maize !!! :!: :!: :!:

Thanks CCR - Glad she made it through the surgery OK, and we hope that right eye quits bugging her. We'll keep thinking of her. (I know those e-collars always drive my pups crazy.)

Looks like Ida's cancer is accelerating... We knew this kind was aggressive. She didn't respond too well to her second chemo protocol, so we may be at the point of letting things take their course and giving her as much love/treats/attention as we can give her. It's been an emotional rollercoaster :(

ifitsfreeitsforme said:
This is Fianuala (Fifi), she's 13

Fifi is a beautiful cat! Ah, the luxury of a sun spot!
man, this is turning into a really Sad pets thread... :(
Thanks for all the well wishes for my little one, her surgery is next wednesday, I will be sure to keep y'all posted.
Good luck with yours CCR and triggerfish! Happy puppy thoughts!!!
hope everything works out with your pets!
2 of my dogs have gone through surgery and made it out fine.......our old brindle pit had hip surgery because she wasnt really able to walk well at all(id post the video of her trying to walk before the surgery but it just makes me sad seeing her fall) that turned out great but i was in around 4 grand after that :shock:
then after she died we got a lab and she dug her way out of our yard and tried crossing the highway and got hit(nothing too bad but it shattered her leg :( so after about 1 grand she was patched up with some rod and screws) and shes fine now........although she sits a little odd and its always fun watching peoples faces when they feel the screws in her leg!