OK, Back to Bikes. Let me get us on Track..... I think Craigslist is not the only place with stupid mistakes.
I was at an Antique show. Cars, Bikes etc. I have several bikes setting out for sale. This guy is on these Bike Websites. He tells me. He knows EVERYTHING. He is Sir Knowsalot. Or Prince Saysalot. Anyway the point is he has a Big Mouth.
He is looking for bikes. He comes back a few hours later pushing the crappiest Schwinn that I have ever seen. Basicly a damaged frame with Dented fenders and everything in rough shape. He brags that he got it for 250.00. I said. WOW. Do you think that is a good price. OH Yes, Its a Schwinn. A Girls Schwinn. I said OK and smiled as he walks away.
4 hours later another guy walks up and looks at one of my bikes. He says Hey Man you will not believe what I sold. I found a rusty piece of junk in a field all rusty. I was going to sell it for 20.00, But a guy said OH WOW. OH WOW. That is what I really wanted. So we said. Laughing. MAKE AN OFFER. The buyer says Will you take 250.00. Laughing under his shirt he says. OK. So he hands the guy 250.00.
If Sir Knowsalot would have just shut up he could have had the bike for 20.00 which is really the real value of that project. Oh by the way it was a 68 medium weight Schwinn.
We all know the type of person who knows everything. Brags about how much he sold the parts for. and then tells everyone what he paid for it. They are not all on Craigslist. They are on the Big 3 Bike Websites. They make sure everyone knows that they know Everything there too.

Moral of the story is just shut up. But some people just talk too much.

Have a good New Years Fellow Bike Nuts.