How bout, you see a bike listed in your routine hourly Craigslist checkup, establish contact, verify everything is in great condition, barely used - sweet just what I wanted.
Schedule up a time the next day, as it's a 4 hour drive away. Get about 3 hours into the drive, only to get a text - "Hey sorry, but I didn't notice, there's rust and the paint is all scratched up"
Really? Can't give me that info when I ask, before I start an 8 hr round trip??
Wading through crappy overpriced bike ads is a dream comparitivly..
At that point what can you do, other than just get there, and hope it's not too bad.
Well, turns out it wasn't too bad, most of it is surface paint marks from other bicycles in storage, most of it should clean off, which is great. Because the paint on this bike is pretty $$ to redo.
But at least I got a dream bike (ok for a girl!) And added a pretty uncommon Pearlescent Pink Dyno Kozmopolitian to the collection!