Custom 2 Speed Motered Cruiser

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The front loop is a little longish for my taste, but the construction quality of the frame on this looks outstanding.
deorman...the seat isn't being mounted in the seat tube, if you look at a Basman frame they have a seat tube the shape of a '7'
thus seat is mounted forward on the top tube so it doesn't look as long, although i wont be using this method, the seat
and mounting method i use, will take up 13in of the top tube in front of the actual seat tube itself...i think
you will find the top tube wont look anywhere near as long when seats on...

I didn't get alot done today, much procrastination not alot of porgress, i also had to do a small repair on the Canoe we painted few
weeks back one of the foot plates for the rudder pulled out of the hull, lil fiberglassing required... Anyhoot...below are some pics seen above
(for benefit of other forums this worklogs on) and a couple of new ones


I didn't have any 15mm bar-stock, so i used some 16mm rod and went over it with a flap disk till she fit neatly
in the bearings, i will eventually get a hardened steel shaft, this will do temporarily to get it all working... I only have 1.96in
of movement to play with, last two pics shows the range of movement from lowered to raised position, i only
just have the room to fit this and it may require altering the lower seat tube/bottom tube corner gusset...either
way, it will go so we iz good for stabilizers on this ride :D the movement will be 'snap' quick too, i will
adjust the range so on full extension the wheels hit the ground so there will be no 'over extension' like in the cruiser...
The last two pics, the front cardboard template will be made from 10mm ali, actually... two of them, the actuator
end will bolt between these two 10mm plates, the steel stabilizer legs will bolt to the opposing end...the plates will
pivot on the 15mm steel rod...thats the plan anywayz i will bore holes in the frame and add plates to it in the exact
same fashion the motor/2speed mount was done. I hope his will be a nice sturdy minimal 'slop' solution that will require
minimal maintenance, thus far on track.. need to make a dumby actuator and cut the two plates and mock it up
properly before boring any holes anywhere to ensure we get the mounting of the pivot correct, if we dont. the actuator simply
wont fit...

More tomorrow...

Hey Kim I'm wondering with using a lot taller tire do you have to change the gearing to make it work?
That guy went through a bunch of work to wind your motor. I assume since its on your build he got it right. I kinda thought he would scrap it in the end.
Uncle Stretch said:
Hey Kim I'm wondering with using a lot taller tire do you have to change the gearing to make it work?
That guy went through a bunch of work to wind your motor. I assume since its on your build he got it right. I kinda thought he would scrap it in the end.

Yes the size of the wheel definitely plays a role int he gearing, all was taken into consideration even the kv of the motor when rewound...1st gear is good for 45km/hr while 75km/hr 2nd gear running 16-45 tooth sprockets on final drive...i also have 3 different sprockets for the 2 speed to alter gearing if i choose..

Seat Choice

I have narrowed down my choice of seat to these two...

My first preference... ... ccessories

Am awaiting reply on seller regarding mounting hardware and distance between spring mounting
bolts, should be in between 6-7 inches which is perfect for my application, my chain stays are 6.5in apart. ... ccessories

Both are perfect size wise, i am a little concerned about the amount of padding on both and my ability
to sit on them, the first seat looks better than the second but looks to have less padding and its states 1/2in neoprene...
Second seat looks to have more padding but i believe this s likely camera angle, bobber seats aren't much more than
an 1 inch thick... I will wait till this evening for a reply back from the first seller, if no reply i will buy the second option
its cheaper and does come with mounting hardware... Shall also be purchasing a dual 4in shock to use
instead of the 3in provided springs..

Tubes, stem, bars and actuator will take the rest of this pension cheque... ;-)

No work today, too hot and i'm unwell hoping to get more done tomorrow possibly thisevenng when it cools if i feel upto it...

ciao for now

So i got an email from Matt.P this afternoon, he has taken some lovely piccies of the
bars he picked up for me, i haven't been able to find different angled pics on the interwebz
of these bars, all the shops use the standard "above" shots, these new bars could just
be my new fav bars over the cruisers bars which i LOVE...check em out...


I have asked if Matt would be so kind to drop these bars at the Powdercoaters for sandblasting and powdercoating
in Satin black for me... I think they are just the ticket for the bike :)

Thanks again Matt...

Thought i would update those following along with some new news...
With big thanks to Timma225 i will have a nice set of alumnium MTB
cranks and an alumnium extra wide bottom bracket shell, again, with
BiG thanks Timma... Paul is extending both a bottom bracket 'spindle'
and a alumnium bottom bracket shell, as i am using the extra wide
hub on the rear i need a ~125mm wide bottom bracket shell, same as my cruiser
unfortunately these only come in steel... So, i have cut some brackets that Timma
will collect on Sunday when he's up in town, one of these brackets will be welded ~4mm left of center
on the alumnium bottom bracket (the left of center is to allow for the thickness of the
steel plate its mounted to on the frame for those curious)


Timma was unsure of the exat O.D of the alumnium bottom bracket he has (as he is at work in the south the BB is up in Perth)
Judging by the picture of the bottom bracket Paul posted on his Norco worklog thread


And knowing the steel BB in picture is 40mmO.D Rodgah and I had an edu-bick-ated guess
that the alumnium BB in picture is around i made it ~42.5mm hoooopefully
if its too small its not by much and i can reem it out while Paul is here Sunday, and if its too big
hopefully not to big to fill when welded :: fingers crossed::

Of course i will anodize this whole assembly blue, (and noooo its not the ooonly reason we are going to
all this effort hahaha... :: looks skyward::
) the cranks Timma has so generously
given me are black, should be a nice contrast. I shall be using 6mm stainless steel caps screws
to fasten in place...The right hole on the bracket, yup, thats the 3rd mounting
point for the alumnium plate that will hold the lipos, all works out like it was planned that way from the
beginning haha.... Pros of this ...well haha bling of course, alumnium and Timmas L337 TiG welding
on display has to be win win ....can't see a down side as yet seeing this crankset will not even be used
by my chicken legs LoL... Will always now be removable though :: wink :: :: wink :: :)

I have been unable to progress on the frame I am still awaiting shocks, seat and a Mr Recumpence SiR
disk brake freewheel adapter. When these arrive i can attend to welding shock mounts, brake caliper mount and a
drill a seat pivot on the frame before i finish the prep and painting, hands are tied on finishing the frame
till i have these items im afraid.... Hopefully all will be here next week been twiddling my thumbs most of
the week :: sigh :: When i got confirmation Timma could do the BB i was in the workshop in a flash
cutting out the bracket haha

I also have my eye on a nice set of Hope Tech M4 Disk brake set... they just look so chunky and blingy compared
to the Avids, and as we know, its ALL about the looks right :roll: Money this week is allocated to inner tubes, brakes, paying Timma for the BB and possibly a spare White industries freewheel he has? paying Matt.P for the bars and sandblasting and powdercoating....should be broke by then, anything left i might grab some Harley Gayvidson billet grips i been eying off haha

Back soon...i hope

Compnets Delivered Today build ON again...

Thanks fellas, i been unable to progress on the frame due to the need of components
before i can weld remaining brackets to the frame for seat and stabilizer setups along
with mounting brackets for the rear hydraulic brake caliper--->

So I have been anodizing ...let me re-phrase that...i been
trying to anodize these past days with some success. The
dyeing of the parts however zero success. I had been
using PC PSU and they are great for anodizing parts if you
don't want to dye them, lower current is needed when
dyeing anodized parts apparently, SO i received back a
lead acid battery charger i lent out few weeeks ago to
a mate of a mate after not using it for 6 years at least
only to find a use for it with the anodizing as it is a 4amp
charger not 16amp psu like i was using ...I shall hopefully
now i have been schooled by the ThudSTaR 8) himself
in his wayz of anodizing, have better luck, the Thudster
has generously sent me out some of the dyes he uses
also! BIG THANKYOU again mate ;-)

Shall keep all informed with how this pans out.

I have also received some deliveries, late today one of
the pieces that i need to continue on the frame, the
linear actuator! I also received several days back the
Larosa 4in CNCed shocks for the seat, seat still missing
in action unfortunately...Matt.P generously donated the
Bullhorn bars to me after having them sandblasted
and powder coated Satin Black by
his "powder coating guy" Another BiG Thankyou
to Matt for this very kind gesture very much
appreciated buddy :)


White Industries 16tooth freewheel also now adorns
the ThudSTaR 8) 2 Speed Box thanks to Timma225
selling me a spare he had, shall fix you up this weekend
when you is in town again my friend ;-)

I will continue work on the stabilizing setup now i
have the actuator in hand, the build is back in
progress chaps WooTz!! I expect the delivery of
Recumpence SiRs 8) L337 CNCed disk brake to
freewheel adapter any day and also the bobber seat
hopefully will coincide nicely with the completion of
the stabilizer mount so work will continue flowing

Haaaanging for Thursday (pay day) i have AMAZED
myself in keeping 300 bucks in the play money back
account this fortnight! this added to some $$$ from
coming pay will see the purchase of a pair of
Hope tech m4 hydraulic brakes and a 203mm and 180mm
set of Hope floating rotors, I have been perving on
these brakes on Chain Reaction for the past 10 days
soon my precious soooon you will be mine
muuuuahahaha [/sinister laugh] :mrgreen: OH haha...cept
I'm buying them from ebay as recommended by Matt.S :wink:
(new buy now $AU440 a pair with rotors 45 delivery)
Tiz lil cheaper than Chain Reaction on this occasion...

Back VERY soon with more progress pics...


p.s West OZ Group ride was Sunday past, cept for
an accident to forum member Laland on his very nicely
turned out delta recumbent that put a lil downer on
things for abit there a great time was had by all i think...
Can catch the pics and vids on the Aussie Roll Call Thread...
Get well soon Lawrie :)
Alumnium Extra Wide Bottom Bracket DONE and Fitted!

Will definitely suit the colour scheme in the Satin black ;-)

Some may recal i was having a mate from
Endlesss Sphere Timma2500 (Paul) modify
a standard ali bottom bracket (BB) into an
extra wide bottom bracket to the spec of those
found on ChoppersUS (and required when
extra wide Sturmey Arch hub is used...hence
i need one LoL
) along with lengthening
the axle of a niiiice set of ISIS cranks that
Paul also generously donated to the build ;-)

Paul posted the following pics of the mods in
my worklog on Endless Sphere, i thought i better
post em here too so all know how things came
together rather than just BAM! members check
it out its done! LoL..Heres some very fine shots
Paul took during several stages of the procedure-->


The Axle was cut, sleeved and TiG welded up
like the outter BB shell was. An internal sleeve
was turned up on the lathe a step down on each
end of this sleeve to match the axles I.D made the
alignment side of things a breeze, was a case of
pressing in the sleeve and running a weld around the
axle, it came out perfectly true as a result of using this method!

I couldn't have been more happier with the result
I think all will agree he has done an amazing
job huge Kudos to Paul for his fantastic work
and generosity!

He dropped by yesterday to give me the BB
and i was straight into fitting it up on the bike
and IMO it looks the business!


The Aluminum BB will be anodized blue before
final assembly :) How many ISIS extra wide
bottom brackets you see?? how many you seen in
Aluminum mounted on a steel framed bike none
the less! HAS to be a first suuurley loL..

Shall be back with more soon..

After a couple of tries i managed to get the pivot
mocked up to see if it will all fit in, looks promising-->


^^^ this actually turned out to be scrapped, in favor of a
slightly taller plate, have a small video that shows the
movement of the pivot with new piece, i hope to disassemble
the bike tomorrow drill holes in lower tube and weld
some plates either side of the lower tube that will reinforce
the mount, as per done with the 2 speed mounting arrangement.

Youtube Video Of Pivot/Actuator Working

Another week has passed still no deliveries, will be sending
one last email to the company i bought the seat from and
if i get no reply will open a dispute via ebay hopefully that
will get his attention and some sort of customer service
been 30 days since payment was made for the item, freakin
ridiculous so pissed off.

Back when i have more...

I have been holding back on updating this worklog as i wanted all the parts that were
ordered to land .... well... i have had ALOT of deliveries since my last post.. perhaps a few
pics of the goodies -->


Matt.P and I combined our orders together and manged to make the free freight
offered by from Chain Reaction on all orders over $us440 was delivered in 5 days
CR absolutely RoXz no doubt about it.

Keen eyes may see there are more than 2 sets of Hope Mono M4 Brakes :wink:
Big thankyou once again to Recumpence for his continued generosity & support
of my projects... expecting to find a disk brake sprocket adapter when i opened the box from Matt.S
there i was left shocked, starring at mint conditioned set of Hope Mono m4s and a 180mm Saw floating rotor!!!
I tried to order a friend for it from Chain Reaction unfortunately they were out of stock of M4s to ebay just happened to be a pair of second hand Hope Mono M4s up for grabs, i won them for $US203
cost me 220 to my front door for the pair of Hope Mono M4s in near mint condition! Matt's
will find a home on the front of the bike and one of the second hand jobs will handle the rear
both fitted with Hope braided lines...The third will be a spare until i or one of my cohorts needs
it. Oh...and yes, the Hope calipers will also be receiving some anodized bling Items, damn
Rodgah and Timma2500 pointing out more and more 'bling' that i can buy all
the time curse them both LoL... After chating with Timma yesterday arvo
when he dropped in, seems we both have the same bling and lightening hole "addiction" although
we both admit we can stop when ever we want...yeah right HAHA :p


I asked Matt.P to stand over the bike, this gives a good indication of the bikes
size, pics of the bikes on their own tend to give you the impression they are
bigger than they actually are...Cheers Matt... :wink:

I guess i best tell you all the ending of the seat some may remember
33 days IIRC? after payment the seat had made it from Throttle Masters
in Chicago, to UPS in Mexico! After several polite emails to George
at Throttle Masters to which i received no replies, along with Matt.S actually calling them up
and hassling them to get the act into gear OH and a PayPal claims case stared, i finally
received an email yesterday morning from George apologizing for the delay (now 40 something days since payment)
informing me the seat cleared Australian customs yesterday evening! i was
gob smacked i had written it off and was set to buy the second choice seat tomorrow (payday)
I am glad i waited and chuffed it eventually turned up, this seat is just the ticket, suits the bike to a tee.
Still haven't attempted to sit on it though,k looks like it will be ok... :: crosses fingers:: :wink:

So all the parts received have been installed (cept the manual pedal chains...) bought two
cheaper 1/2 links for the manual pedal side need to join them to get the length. My mate
Flavio was also over yesterday, after a few JD's he decided the decals on the rims (and Tires) had to go,
So he pulled the decals off the rims (TPA add "Flavio" to list of helpers LoL) unless the
companies are willing to pay me money to advertise for them, their stickers will find there
way into the bin quick smart :wink: also notice, its rolling on PUMPED UP TIRES!!
(Lettering stillto be removed)

I shall install the seat fittings and pivot tomorrow (more of my handy
routering of alumnium to come using the lovely gift of milling bits from ES member Valy)
I will be using sealed bearings on the pivot mounted in 10mm ali plate...more
to come tomorrow evening, we are BACK on track.... Manual pedal bike will
be up and running soon as the seat is mounted!!! Matt.P or Paul...available
for a test ride LoL... After the seats mounted up i can finish the stabiliser arms
now i have the tubes/tires pumped up and know the exact ride hieght, with Christmas
shutting alot of places down, i will likely hold off for few weeks on ordering all the
batteries and speed controller<---yes speed controller, amongst the deliveries i
received from Mr Edward Lyen a tester unit, hopefully the hassles i have had finding
the correct order of halls, phase and throttle wires will be thing of the past, i will try
to ride the bike within the capabilities of the Infineon it will have fitted until such times
i get my paws on one of Mr Jeremy Harris's new controllers :wink: ..

Back soon chaps...


P.S Since there are a few regular readers of this worklog that are into the custom
thing, thought you might all be interested in Timma2500's latest endeavor, Paul will
be pumping out altered downhill frames, i suggest those that aren't familiar with Timma2500's
work checkout his latest effort on a Specialised FSR frame and/or the
custom fabrication on his Norco The work is first class, I expect there will be a few people bashing
at his door to get a custom frame happening. Best of luck with your new business buddy...
Ah good to see one with a person. Seemed a lot bigger without one, like u said.

The Norco Looks EXCELLENT!! Finally no need for a ski/chairlift anymore!! I definitely want a setup like that on my banshee scream :)
@Hoeha, certainly makes it easier to get a idea of the size of the biike when theres someone on it don't it ;-)
The seat will be on very soon so i can climb on it and see how it 'fitz' haha

@Dr. Tankenstein thankyou SiR ;-) Hop you continue to enjoy the build as we progress along
getting very near first pedal powered ride, was actually hoping for that today, but the 35C Degree heat
in the workshop saw that idea fade as fast as my energy levels, i managed to make a pivot assembly
for the new seat, more on that below-->


I decided to stick with the more 'traditional' pivot setup rather than getting fancy with sealed bearings
the amount of movement is so slight regular dab of molybdenum grease in the pivot and it will outlast me LoL..anyways
here's some pics of the alumnium pivot assembly i knocked up this afternoon.


I have ~6meters of 15mm rod so i cut a 60mm length and drilled it out with 10mm drill bit, this piece will
be welded into the top tube of the frame a 10mm
high tensile steel bolt through it will complete the
pivot setup. I have used 10mm & 5mm thick alumnium
for the rest of the assembly. Obviously the pieces still need to be cleaned up, polished & anodized blue. I will need to
make another bracket tomorrow, to mount on the seats
rear mounting bolts (which FYI are not lined up they
are1/2in out of alignment :-S
) The lil shockies will then mount to this ali bracket.

Back with more soon...i am off in mates boat to do a bit of fishing first light tomorrow, so will likely not get alot done on the bike unfortunately , so next update will likely be Saturday, Boxing Day i'm off to the drags for a Nitro Funny Car meet looking forward to
that i must say ... :lol:

Seat Mounted

I have been fighting both fish AND this seat mounting the last few days now, I didn't notice
before hand but the the rear spring mounting bolts on the seat pan are exactly 4mm out
of alignment, doesn't sound alot right? but that 4mm creates a BiG problem at the other
end of the 4inch shock mounting bracket :-S Interestingly the seat has a quality control
sticker on it, has been signed by the person that made it AND the individual
in charge of "QC" (who obviously needs his ....... eyez checked)


(middle drilled/tapped hole is for the mounting of a rear reflector/light)

I have used a 10mm thick piece of alumnium to make a bracket that will both 'fix' the
factory bumble on the seat, and allow a narrower footprint for shock mounting. Originally i
had planned to drill directly into the seat stays and mount the shocks, the offset of the
mounting bolts on the seat put paid to that idea, the mounting points on the seat stays would
of both been different as would the shock angles..besides this, the gap between the seat pan
bolts is 7in the distance between seats stays ~6.5in either way, i needed to make
a bracket...

i decided a combination gusset/shock mount setup would be
the best solution, I had planned on a gusset here to both reinforce the seat stays and provide
a mounting point for the planned wheelchair tow hitch assembly as per the blue cruiser has on it.


4mm steel plate was used and DAMN! is it hard steel! best mate Snapper hiked 3 pieces
of similar size from his works dumpster before we went fishing few days ago, it blunted
3 drill bits drilling the freakin holes in it, so NO there wont be 'lightening holes'
at this point, but yes i had planned on a couple, No idea what 'grade' steel it is but its hard.
I have 3 solid tacks holding this gusset/mount in place, i shall fully weld this
along with the reinforcement for the stabilizer pivot mounts tomorrow. I then have just a small
mount for the rear brake caliper to add and its frame prep time babee!

Too hot to mess about re-assembling the bike just for a pedal ride up and down the drive way HiGHSiDE
Hyena so you will just have to wait a lil longer for the powered ride :p

Controller... I have spoken to Mr Lyen on MsN and GWhy will be pleased to hear I
organized a highly modified 12 fet infineon to use until Mr Harris's controller
hits the shelf's, so to speak. Mr Lyen has been given several specific mods to make
that the ThudSteR has recommended i have done, the include the addition of 3077 Fets
(~75v 180amp) a 31v low voltage set up, 25-40 amp batt 100 amp phase
programming, along with raising the value of R43 from 1k to 47k ish to modify over
current cutout. I have also taken possession of a 'tester unit' from Mr Lyen & he
has also including 6 hall sensors of the same variety the bois are using on their sensored
Turnigy setups... THiS TiME MaYBE?!?@?#@!?# For those wondering why? not another
Castle Creations HV160, primarily i want halls on this bike as Jeremy's controllers
are sensored controllers, i want to get it setup so i can make a simple swap of
controllers when the time comes....price had nothing to do with it.

Back soon folkz...

Simply amazing build. You have thought alot about the details, you must not sleep much at night ;)

Best documentation on this site.
cman said:
Simply amazing build. You have thought alot about the details, you must not sleep much at night ;)

Best documentation on this site.

I have always stressed its the lil details that can make or break a build, all the lil details add up, take care of them all and you will likely have a half decent build when finished ;-) .... HAHA does anyone who builds custom bikes sleep at night? brains constantly ticking over how i will attack a particular part of the build... Thanks for the kind words mate much appreciated...

I dont think i will do an update today, i have just come in for lunch and its 35C outside already, i fully welded the gusset/shock mount to the frame and that was enough
for me to call it quits for the day, this ain't my job its my hobby, hobbies are meant to be fun, welding in 35C heat ain't fun and if I ain't getting paid to do it i don't...
Besides the fact, i have been invited to a Pool Party/ Bar-b-Q this afternoon so i'm fixing to sweep the workshop floor, clean myself up and head out.

to all Rat Rod members and their loved ones...


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