Thanks fellas appreciate the support ;-) Apologies for lack of updates, but its been so DAMN hot here, we have broken the Western Australiarecord for most consecutive days above 30C..17 straight and counting, consecutive higest lowest temp also
broken 15 days above 20C IIRC...has slowed me slightly but the main reason there's been no updates is
lack of a functioning camera, my trusty Canon after being hit by RC chopper blades dropped kicked and
treated like .... has finally called it a day...
Timma2500 (Paul) has generously loaned me his for a few days (Thx again buddy ;-) )
to snap some pics of the work i have done, after this though there isn't going to be any pictorial
updates for a very long time. I have to buy a new MiG welder and a new bench drill before
i can fork out for a new camera

Pretty pissed about it to TBH but, such is life..
With the recent LiPO charging 'how-to' threads popping up on the forum i thought i would take some pics of how i have set my 12s
pack up to bulk charge and balance via 2x 24v Meanwels running a
Hyperion EOS 1420i NET3 14s purchased from Mr
GGoodrum.. :wink:
I have utilized DB25 connectors as part of the charging 'harness'
I had to balance pack with one hand and hold camera with other, pics are lil blurry sorry
the fluro light in my shed don't help matters .. :-(
The DB25 connector has as its name suggests 25 pins. I have used 14 of these for the balance tap wires
the remaining 11 were split 6 pins for the positive and 5 for the negative main charging leads.
I have used 10awg size wire for these hella overkill but i have many meters of it and it looks the .... LoL.
The main wiring coming from the bus bars is all 8awg size wire. The result of this setup allows for
bulk charging of my pack with simultaneous balancing all via the one DB25 plug. Unfortunately the
lack of a camera whilst assembling this didn't allow for any pics, i will though say it is a lil fiddly, if you
can solder and have average skills its very doable and IMHO worth the 'hassle' as the prize is one plug
balance charging with a quality rc charger.
GGoodrum will have similar harness available on soon i believe Gary pictured a completed harness
Hyperion review thread alas recent forum upgrades have seen many pictures disappear, his new harness being one of them :-(
Dunno when i will be able to give you fellas another update, again apologies for those
that have been following, be assured though i am working on the bike daily doing bits and pieces.
I have received a nice sheet of carbon fiber from Matt.S (Mr
Recumpence SiR) Thx again Matt ;-)
Shall be cutting into this later today making new brackets and mounts for the junction
box and 12 Fet infinion controller, which i am still waiting for, Lyen has sent me a tracking number but according to that
its still in San Fransisco as of last night. OH i also got a servo for the gear change unfortunately that don't
work on the lik circuit Mr J.Harris made, damn cheapo HK stuff haha not too worry shall order another
was only 23 bucks hopefully they will swap it. Think thats it for now...
p.s local kerbside collection has been on last 2 weeks Matt.P and myself have been out having fun hehe also had
my mates keep an eye out for stuff, they scored me 12 computers thus far of which i made 6 working units slowest
being P4 2.5Ghz what people throw out up here continues to amaze me...