Cutaway Hub Collection & CAD Models

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Tailwinds said:
Hey mods, can we make a combined thread or sticky on the subject? Coincidentally I was just out in my shop taking photos of an old Elgin hub for components/assembly.
There have been several hub diagrams/walkthroughs lately and I think this would be an invaluable tech resource for everyone.

I made the UCB Hub Projectthread. I have been trying to keep it updated with links to rebuilds and cut-aways by myself and others, I added this thread earlier today.
Tailwinds said:
Ok cool. That's a great reference too. I'll add my Elgin photos to it.

I welcome anyone to add their links, pictures, or any other hub info to it. If you would like to PM me a link to your rebuild I will add it to the index in the first post.
Styria Factory Cutaway:


No I do not have a Renak hub but it may be the same as the Styria I just posted which I think is the same as Fichtel & Sachs.
3D CAD model of a Musselman Cutaway using the Elgin shell.
I modeled this hub with the Musselman, Elgin, and J.C.Higgins shells.
So far I have only modeled one brake arm.



Great work! do you mind telling us what cad package you use? At work I use all Autocad all the time and was wondering if you could share .dxf files.
Thanks, Floyd
The coasters were done in SolidWorks and the rest were done in my favorite program Pro Engineer. As I recall .dxf is a 2D file, right? Mine are all 3D solids.
The cutaways are amazing, but the cad drawings are spectacular. as a designer, im in awe of your cad skills. please dont tell me you are self taught...

amazing work.
No I am not self taught, although I have taught many others.
I learned Pro Engineer at San Diego State University (SDSU). Depending on how good want you want to get with a program like Pro-E everybody is self taught. Training in a program that huge is always somewhat rudimentary but enough to do most daily engineering task. To get to what they call "Guru" level takes a lot of years learning the intricacies of the program.

I made it to the "Guru" level and was promoted to CAD Department Manager of Black & Decker. There I trained many engineers holding some 300+ classes. Later I trained our engineers in China, that is trained them to eventually replace my own design and drafting team. Without a team to manage...........more time to surf.
A dxf can be 3d but if you are using Solidworks I am not sure which format is best. If I find out anything I'll let you know. I design irrigation, wastewater and ag equipment, but my boss is an old fashined slide rule and pencil engineer and does not care for 3d cad (except when it helps make a sale of course).