Cutaway Hub Collection & CAD Models

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These factory displays are just bent wire brazed to hub washers. Build a bending fixture, cut wires over size, bend the wires, trim the open ends, and braze/weld to the washers. attach one mount to a board or weld them to a bar and then attach the hub, then add the other mount. Both sides cannot be permanently fixed. Or try the angle bracket style like Musselman uses. You could also build something using old rear dropouts.
I am thinking of a really cool dropout shaped L-brackets mounted to a nice board. Just need someone to mill/laser/water jet, etc about twenty of them.
Amazing drawings! The New Departure Brake diagram helped me out. Do you plan on silk screening this image on shirts? I want one!
Thank you and that is possible. There is a small clothing company that has approached me about screening some of my work. The ND hub may or may not be among the chosen art. At the moment I am launching a small company making vintage styled parts, mostly road/track bike stuff at first.

Wanted for CAD modeling:
New Departure two and three speed conversions, complete and in good shape.
Does anyone have these that they will loan to me?
I will CAD model them with a hub and post exploded and sectional views on this site.
Local Southern Cal donors are desirable.

I like the Bendix cutaway, I got a bike recently with one.

I like to ask if you or anyone else seen the inside of a Romet hub because my Tyler has one and it needs fixing but I don't want to go through it without knowing the inside before a first time hub fix?
Just got this one the other day.....

udallcustombikes said:
c.p.odom said:
CCM Factory Cutaway.
Beautiful hub made in Canada, let down by a real cheezy brake arm.



I MUST have one! Or two- one to cut and one to ride!

I am going to link this thread from my UCB Hub Project.

Can someone PLEASE provide information on how to assemble one of these! I'm having difficulty figuring out where the two little triangular pieces go. I managed to get one in place but the other doesn't seem to fit anywhere. Please help!
I have a nice Schwinn hub from 1961.Was it a rebadged Komet Super?I saw the Komet with the Schwinn approved brake arm so I figure it was.I want to use it on a late 50s Higgins.