My original plan for this bike was to be flat brown. I intended to finish off the welds nicely, smooth everything out with bog (what you guys call bondo), and use my friends pro spray booth to paint. Life got in the way and I don't have the time to finish the frame off as planned, so I had decided to just leave the welds as they, not clean up the grinding marks as much and hit it with a couple of coats of red primer.
I went to the hardware this morning to get the primer, and sitting right next to it on the shelf was flat chocolate and flat clear, so decided to use the originally planned color, and leave the welds and grind marks unfinished. I'm so glad I did...........the red primer would have suited it, but the flat chocolate brown just looks so much better to me. Should get two more coats on tomorrow and the clear the next day, the leave it to harden. The front end and bars are going to be all flat black, and I can get started on that tomorrow as well.
I've never used Plasti-Kote paint before, so I hope it's OK............came out of the can well and covered nicely, so here's's only a bike anyway, and will end up with knocks and scrapes.