Tank looking goooood ! Hmmm, cobra look.... how 'bout "Hood Rat". **waits 10 seconds**
You going to tab mount it or use bungs from the underside?
Thanks, but you know I don't build rats!Tank looking goooood ! Hmmm, cobra look.... how 'bout "Hood Rat". **waits 10 seconds**
That tank is a work of art! Looks incredible!
Great work on that tank, I love it. The Frenched-in base gives a nice transition to the top tube.
Thanks guys!
The more I look at it, the more I wish I had put a curve into the rear side pieces. As this was my first time building a tank, I wanted to keep it simple. To be honest, I was hesitant to post pics of the build of the tank as I really didn't think I could pull this off.