Do You Wonder?

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Aug 26, 2007
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East, TX USA
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Do you wonder about what may happen tomorrow? Health, Finances, etc.?

Does it drive you crazy? It does me.

Are you MAD you feel you have not yet left your mark on this planet? In this world? On this day? I am. And I try every day to out do the previous day.

I learn more every day. I try new things every day. I try to ease the pressures of self satisfaction every day.

I see others builds and sometimes I want to just give up! VERY Talented folks in here... Ideas's spark idea's and no one want's to copy fr self conviction.

Some days it all "clicks" some days, it's a cluster "Fu#@$%".


1.) Love what ya got, don't ever be jealous.

2.) If ya can't pay a bill, apologize, and play dumb (my mom taught me that).

3.) Do what feels right to YOU. You are the only person you have to please. There are millions out there that may disagree, but the few that agree are typically YOUR idols, and none of us have the same idols...

Build it as you please. Please only youself!!!

Life is short, and has little time for enemies.

Make friends. Have fun. Enjoy Life.

Do Unto Others.

It is what it is.
live each day as though it is your last.

i try to learn something new every day

and oh my fave..... LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE A ....
Very good topic!

The rules I live by are pretty simple as well. If it aint cool then don't do it, Family first, and drive it like you stole it.
Yes, nice topic. I asked myself those questions awhile back. If you want to know my opinions you can PM me.
I still work on some of them. Seems to never end as a matter of fact.
tikiharl said:
I have always used the motto " Do the right thing". Doing the right thing comes naturally, its your conscious guiding you. I have found you basically have to go out of your way to screw up. :wink:

exactly!! thats my personal motto. i dont believe in karma... you gotta do the right thing, not because you're afraid of "what comes around" but simply because it's RIGHT!!

i do my best to be a "stand up person" others appreciate you for it. 8)
I've got 10 rules, things usually work out pretty good when i remember to follow them :)
Rat Rod said:
Oh man...have I got some answers for all of this... :wink:
This is nice. Good conversation. Good people. Thank you again folks for keeping this place a place that I'm ok with my kidos coming to. Ya'll are first class.
Someone said ten Rules. You can remember that many? I know someone who has a list. The list is kinda his check list for how he wants to live his life and things he wants to be doing. Well the guy shocked me one day. He called all his close friends and gave them this list and told them. " You are my friend this is important to me. If you see me wonder away or off this list, please feel free to comfront me about it." This was real stuff. Not just, I wanna be a nice guy, or I wanna have a girlfriend or eat chocolate once a week. It was real charecter stuff, and some serious life goals.

I'm now working on a list similar to his. I was very intreaged by his desire to grow and become a useful, solid person. An he has.
Any hoot. There ya go. :D
You know, during our time spent here on earth, God don't promise us an easy life. I sometimes fail to realize the real blessings that He's granted us through His grace. I know some of us here are experiencing personal and health problems and I've done my share of goofing up my own life. I pray for you guys everyday. I ask Him to give us the emotional strength needed to overcome our own fear and uncertainty. Thanks!!!
Great stuff.

I know its a bit corny but long ago I actually sat down and wrote out a "mission" statement for my life.. It seems silly but I have many times used it to guide my decisions.

Its kind of warm and fuzzy crap but since everyone is sharing.... this is it...

To Love and Learn: All things should center around this basic idea regardless of the situation.
To Seek out life's Teachers and learn there lessons
Strive to be impeccable- Always walk the path with Heart and honor.
To Function with intent and dwell in the present. Nothing gets done with your head in the past or future.
To live life centered on principles of Honesty, Acceptance, Sacrifice, Willingness and above all else Love.

I really like quotes and have a list of diffrent ones Ive seen that struck home with me.... Here are some of what I think are the best...

"While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior"
Henry Link.

"He Who Begins too much Accomplishes little"

Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place it leads"
Erica Jong..

"Why comes temptation but for man to meet and make crouch beneath his foot, and so be pedestaled in triumph?
Robert Browning

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind"
Albert Einstein...

"Pick Battles big enough to matter but small enough to win"
Jonathan Kozol..

"Your Vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. He who looks outside dreams, Who looks inside AWAKES"
Carl Jung...

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; They try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you love to do in order to have what you want.
Margaret Young..

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"
Walter Bagehot..

Efficiency is getting the job done right...
Effectiveness is getting the right job done.

"Nobody can be exactly like me, Sometimes even I have trouble doing it"
Tallulah Bankhead...

And my all time favorite..

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
My friend Rieche is from India. He's a MD here now and has no fond things to say about Inida, he's very grateful to be here but runs into the worst of the worst people moonlighting in the ER. (self-entitled people that think the world owes them)

He's probably the nicest guy I know, but I've seen him turn when somebody is trying to take advantage of someone. Anyway, he came up with his own "religion" called DBAD (Don't Be A D___)

Basically, it's philosiphy is that you aren't a jerk to anyone and they aren't allowed to be one to you. It's a pretty good one I think.

As for all of those other things, what the future may bring, almost everybody worries about that, if it's becoming more than everyday worries, lots of people are around that can constructively help you, don't let it ruin today.
A lot of great takes on life in this thread, mine has always been " Glad for what I've got, done with what I've lost"
I agree with much of this wisdom and would like to add - "you don't complain, you create solutions"
Well here's my two cents or a penney and an iou, But I have learned through mistakes and heartache but all in all I am the least stressed person I know, I literally give it to GOD ,just the simple fact I cant control my destination other that pray for traveling mercies, as far as my family my children are Gods gifts and I will treat them as such that doesn't mean they dont do chores and respect elders but I know whats going on with them. Their not going to friends house without meeting the parents, nor running the streets at night sometimes its not easy, but no one ever said living life as a Christian is. Seeing things first hand working in a Food Bank you tend to really appreciate what you have....and it could all be gone in seconds. Also trying to keep kids keeping the faith is a major challenge when the schools offer no support and kids going home to disfuncional homes as a Youth Pastor all I can do is pray and support and show what love is to these kids. Bottom line is I would rather be riding the streets of gold behind the pearly gates on a fat tired cruiser than trying to escape the eternal lake of fire with knashing teeth getting caught in the spokes of my off shore copy as the plastic gear selector is melting from the heat.....

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