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"Fogskum" in swedish. :D I don't want to take credit for coming up with this use for it though, I read somewhere about someone who made fiberglass parts for cars that used spray foam to build shapes. :)
Gdcast: You might want to do a little test with the foam you buy if it holds up to the resin or if it'll melt. I've heard that some brands might not work for this, but I was lucky and found one on my first try that seems to work fine. It was also the cheapest one I could find! :) No way?! Way! Bonus! :D
Oh, almost forgot; if you're planning on making shapes with bigger volumes it might be a good idea to do it in stages and let the foam cure before applying more, so that it doesn't take forever for it to dry in the middle.
...and after fiberglass class; take carbon fiber class! And after carbon... :D As long as one's having fun, there always seem to be more ideas and things to learn more about. :)
It'll be a treat to see what future builds you'll come up with!
That would be the first class that I would want to set in the front row for! :D :D :D

Professor Galtbacken...... She is beautiful!! 8) 8)

Classes are starting this fall right?.......You might be on to someting there!! :shock:
deorman said:
The best teachers are perennial students. :wink:

That's true! :)

Half Link: Thanks man!! :D You know, I think you'd be overqualified for that class, and could teach it yourself. I know I've learned some neat tricks from you. 8) I've made these small itsy bitsy parts, you've fabricated a whole sidecar!! :lol:
I believe that anyone willing to give it a try, and invest some time in it, could make all those parts I've made from fiberglass. It's really not very difficult! :)
It´s probably not that difficult (Jajaja) but it sure is messy!
Besides, all the sanding... my lord I hate sanding!

The funny part when I work with fiberglass, is that my grandparents house is right in top of the garage, so all the smell fills their home for days, and they love the smell!!! :shock: Is unbelievable!!! :D No wonder I came up the way I did... :lol:
Gdcast said:
It´s probably not that difficult (Jajaja) but it sure is messy!

That's how it is! But there are some small things you can do to minimize the mess. First thing is somewhat obvious, and that is to protect the floor (or ground if you're outside) with something. I use a big black plastic garbage bag that I spread out and place all the stuff on. It's good 'cause when the parts cure they wont stick to the plastic bag.
I also have a big garbage bag next to where I work to be able to throw stuff away at once so that there's no sticky polyester drenched paper and things like that lying around.
I have one plastic can, with a lid, with acetone in it, where I can put the brush right after it's been used, and plastic measures for polyester and hardener that are easily wiped clean with paper and acetone. That said, you've probably already guessed that I keep a bottle of acetone and a roll of tissue paper at hand too.
And I'm using disposable vinyl gloves (instead of gloves that you clean and use again), because it seems no matter how I do when I work with fiberglass, after a short while I'll get polyester on the gloves and the glass fibers stick to it and get in the way, and then it's nice to be able to easily take them off and get a fresh pair instead.
Also to prepair everything in advance (put everything in place and make sure you've cut all the fiberglass you'll need) helps keeping the mess to a minimum.
When it comes to sanding, I don't have any tricks. I guess that'll remain being a mess... :lol: But I think sanding by hand is probably less messy than using a machine.

About your grandparents, maybe they love the smell because that means that their grandson is around? :wink:
That´s almost exactly as I work with it.
Neighbours give me a weird look when I prepare to work with fiberglass, I´m sure they think I´m preparing a crime scene... :lol:

About your grandparents, maybe they love the smell because that means that their grandson is around? :wink:
We all live in the same big house, garage is in the 1st. floor, they live in 2nd. and I´m in the 3rd. floor, they get to see me more than they´ll like! :lol: But sure is great to have them around, always trying to help an saying nice things about my bikes... :wink:
Got to check out Dexter! A friend of mine talked about it last week (said it was good), and I realized I haven't watched a single episode of it. And here it is mentioned again! :D

Gdcast: And you wonder why your neighbours look at you with suspicion? :lol: There's a big parking garage underneath the house where I live, and to give it a better atmosphere they've decorated it through different art projects, and they play classical music at all hours. Once though, I really wondered if they've chosen their playing list wisely, 'cause I came down there and Carmina Burana was roaring through the speakers. Mmmm, calm and cosy feeling... :lol: