This is my new neighbor. Jeremy Kravitz 832-804-0292. He powder coats and couldn't help stopping by the house when I was out front working on something. He has been practicing distressed finishes and I have been polishing a few things for him to candy coat instead of using Chromecast. If your in DFW it is worth looking him up. I should mention "we" powder coated it". I have not gone soft in my old age and I am still doing everything myself wether I know how or not I just had supervision this timeVery nice job. Clever paint job and it really pops!

I took the guys out to Charlie's barn yesterday and they both brought back vintage projects. It was like going to Disney World for them.
I needed to find the right headlight anyway and Charlie had a couple he wanted me to OA bath. Those two couldn't stop talking about what they are going to do with their bikes all the way home
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