First Ride in 50+ years: 2023 Update

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Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Up to the Bridge

Thanks Ndaway! :D

Busy week delayed this post but definitely got a ride in last weekend
I switched the day of our ride due to the Mpls Messaround being on Sunday
It’s a busy, loud and a bit chaotic event so we didn’t take my FIL
The other car show was more one-on-one so it was easier

Good/Bad: my FIL now counts on going and remembers that it’s on Sunday
So when the day was changed it caught him up a bit and think he felt like it wasn’t ever going to happen
I apologized for making it a day later (even though we tried to convey that change) and he was okay

Labor Day, we headed out to the Lake Street DQ and to our surprise, it was closed
My FIL said later; “when I worked for the newspaper, we worked every day, no exceptions”
So I had another backup spot to get some designer ice cream but wanted to go for a ride somewhere new first and my FIL agreed

We took off to the Lake street Bridge across the Mississippi River
People have seen quite a few pictures of my bikes up there so I thought it might be interesting for him

A nice cool breeze was coming up from the river and it was really comfortable
I asked him when the last time he was on the bridge and he said “a long time”
We just kinda hung out and enjoyed the moment without a bunch of talking
I wanted to get a picture with my FIL and the bikes I told him to scoot in closer to them
I think this is his way of giving me a hard time by doing a “Vanna White” :lol:

I asked him to take a picture of me with my digital camera
He had a little trouble but the button has a delay and you have to push hard, and half way focus…
So it came out a little blurry but a pretty good first digital picture ever!! :D

Asked if he wanted to take some more pictures from the bridge but he said “nah”
We took off along the West River Road and he does really well up the medium size hills
and he doesn’t stand up either (like I do)

As we left the bike path for the streets again I saw a wild turkey and stopped to point it out
I said “When was the last time you saw a turkey like that?” He said “Last Thanksgiving” :lol: :lol:

We kept going to our back up ice cream spot and they were closed too :(
Kept riding and saw a neighbor so I introduced him to my FIL
My FIL says "He has a hard head, I have to wear a helmet" :roll:
He hates wearing it but oh well...

So then we went to the convenience store (around the corner from his house)
and bought the biggest ice cream sandwiches they had.
About 5 miles of riding to get ice cream around the corner, guess it’s not just the destination :D

We sat in the yard and ate our ice cream sandwiches
and talked about how we didn’t have to cut the grass (not enough rain)

We both had a good day!
Thanks for Looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Up to the Bridge

MplsCoaster said:
As we left the bike path for the streets again I saw a wild turkey and stopped to point it out
I said “When was the last time you saw a turkey like that?” He said “Last Thanksgiving” :lol: :lol:

Now that's funny!!!! :D :D
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Up to the Bridge

Hey Kingfish, It totally cracked me up too!
He has some great one liners :lol:

Hey IIFIFM, Glad you like those Alfas too. The shape is incredible
I hope you own one someday , I think I'll have to be satisfied with looking

So we actually had a ride LAST Sunday (9th)but I've didn't get to post it until this morning
I've had a maniac schedule of closing on my condo and moving in 6 days :shock:
But I really wanted to get at least a quick DQ ride in with my FIL

So we took off and it was a little cooler than it has been which makes for great riding

He wanted a strawberry sundae so I got him a medium size and he went to town on it :lol:

We didn't stop anywhere this time or I might have fallen asleep right there
So we sat in the back yard and talked about his 80th birthday coming up the 22nd
Told him I already bought his present and his eyes lit up
Can't wait to give him and install his new Nirve LED Old style headlight
Still looking for a nice large rear deflector for the fender

I started pulling together all these posts so I can give him a little book of it too
I want to see his face when he realizes that other people have been looking and commenting
Thanks everybody so much for all the great comments!! :D :D

Next Sunday, We're taking him on the MN Antique and Classic Fall Ride (Boom Island 1pm)
It's a smaller venue and not much street riding. Think he'll enjoy his first group ride

I've got another ride planned today but not sure where we'll go, maybe just wing it
So I'll end last week's post with "Poppy" hanging out with us

Thanks for looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Quick Ride last Sunday

Was just thinking I hadn't heard from you in a while. Realized I missed your last post. Good stuff as always. Seeing the pics of FIL always makes me smile.
I think I had told ya when we talked that my Aunt was diagnosed with Alzheimer's beginning of the year. We moved her to an assisted living facility last week. Not an easy thing to do.
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Goofing around in the lot

You're right Randy, I hadn't posted in almost 2 weeks due to being super busy
Glad you get a kick out of my FIL :D

I remember discussing your Aunt when you and Nova were here. Sorry to here about it.
It's really tough for her and for others close to her.

On the flip side, when we got both my Grandma and later my Dad in Assisted Living, they did pretty well. I was actually a beautiful place on the edge of a lake with big windows, aviary, and people that played piano and did crafts. Both gained weight from eating better. :D

Neither wanted to go but there seems to be a threshold for how much care people need,
and knowing they will be well cared for and the visits will be for the pleasure of visiting, make it a quality of life for them and others. I found out at my Dad's funeral that he was doing all kinds of activities and was an avid church goer (in the facilities) that he forgot to tell us

So my FIL and me got another warm ride in last Sunday (16th) He was in a good mood!

We went to DQ and it was busy. I asked him if he wanted a small or med strawberry sundae
He said "I think I have to have the medium".
I started laughing and said "I bet "you have to" Then he said laughing too :lol:
I think the Dog may have seen a dropped bit of Ice cream :lol:

So I asked if he wanted to go for a longer ride and he said sure
I had an ulterior motive because we were going to the Fall Ride next week and I wanted him to be used to some of the steeper hills during it. I couldn't tell him about it yet because we were still working on the logistics to make it happen

So we went along West Mississippi River Road and it was rather busy and he did great
He loves to remind me (jokingly) to not exceed 10mph ( painted on the path) :lol:

So we drove through a big parking lot and I started goofing around and he followed. We had a great time doing figure 8s and riding toward each other. He's really stable on that bike :D


Headed home to finish up another 5 mile ride :D
We "thank you'd" and "you're welcomed" each other in Japanese as a switch up and we laughed
He remembers all the "bad words" that he learned while stationed in Japan :lol:
So we sat in the back yard and talked about how we needed some rain

Can't wait to give him the pictures and text from this thread for his 80th Bday this Saturday
Then as a bonus, go for his first group ride (MN Classic Fall Ride) on Sunday :D :D
Should be a great time judging from past ones
And knowing there will be some more local RBBers there :D

We both had a good day
Thanks for Looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Goofing around in the lot

It's about time to start getting videos. :mrgreen:

Thanks for this update, once again, it's really awesome what you are getting to do.
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Riding with the Gang

Sorry Youthgeye, no videos. Glad you're enjoying the updates

I’m late with my update. I posted the Fall Ride thread first (and FIL rode with :D )

So I’ll start with his 80th BDay present a new Nirve LED Old Style headlight
He says will we be riding at night? I said maybe not but it looks cool
Not sure how impressed he was but he seemed to like it when he helped me install it

I gave him an edited copy of the thread and tried to explain why I always took so many pics
And that other people saw his bicycle stories and made comments (Thanks again guys!!)

He recognized himself on the cover with a DQ
But when he got to the first shot of the text

He said, “Who is that?” I said, “It’s you” He immediately said “What am I doing on a girl’s bike?”
I couldn’t help laughing then I explained and then he said "Oh, okay"

He mostly just looked at the pictures but I'm not sure he really understood the concept :|
I saw there was a continuously repeating pattern: Ride shot, DQ shot, Back yard shot, guess I have to switch it up a bit more

So the next day, we went to the MN Classic and Antique Fall Ride
I was a bit nervous about bringing him, not sure what he might say or do…
But I had my wife and her son to help me out

He got bored quickly but I felt like there was going to be times like that and that’s just the way it is
He surprised me by walking over and talking to a guy that was carrying his dog in basket
Must have been interesting and familiar enough (with his own dog) to initiate conversation :D :D

My Step Son took over for a while I looked around and started talking bikes with everybody

I saw him doing this so he must have tried keeping himself entertained

He did great with the riding part and just followed whoever was in front of him

I think the railroad tracks were bumpy for him

Asked him how long it had been since he had been on the Stone Arch Bridge
and he said “A lonnnggg time” so I think that was cool (wife giving him "bunny ears" :lol: )

We headed back to Boom Island after the SA bridge and he did really well


When we got back I started yakking and he got pretty bored and just shut down for a while
He perked back up when I asked him which bike he wanted to vote for “Best Bike”
He point to his bike and he said “This one”

Got him on board for one more shot with a reminder that we’d be stopping a DQ afterward
Thought he belonged in the Twin Cities Charter of Rat Rod Bikes

Finally the reward!and he was a happy man

I had a fantastic day, I think he had at least a good day
(though his “Terrific” comments got more sarcastic as the day went on :| )
Thanks for Looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Riding with the Gang

MplsCoaster said:
He said, “Who is that?” I said, “It’s you” He immediately said “What am I doing on a girl’s bike?”
That's funny!

Glad to hear all went ok. As always, I enjoy following along.
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Follow the Leader

Thanks for following along Randy. I thought it was pretty funny too.
last Sunday I asked him about remaking the bar pad (more stylish)
and he said, I can always just ride a girl's bike. I said , Do you REALLY want to ride a girl's bike
He said NO :lol:

More adventures with FIL coming up Kingfish

Thanks Youthgeye, he says he remembers that weekend but not sure how much

So we had a One-On-One ride last Sunday (30th) and it went well
I think he has proved (I think he is trying really hard to prove on purpose) that he is very stable wiht the bike
So I gave him a break from wearing his helmet. I'm sure I'm going to get some "feedback" about it
but my wife an I are okay with it. If things change, then we have to reevaluate.

So we took off to the Lake Street DQ. The weather was perfect and the leaves in full color :D :D
I let him lead for a while during the straight portion but he seemed a slightly hesitant but still went for it

We got our DQs and talked a bit with a Brazillian Triathilete and his 2 sons also out for a ride and DQ
He really like my Jacked Up Pilot and started the conversation with "What year is that?"
It really nice to meet others that enjoy riding/DQ as much as FIL and me :D

The we took off along the river road.
I noticed that when FIL sees something (Harley, bus, signs...), I think he quickly tries to remember what he can about it (a little response) but then forgets that he may have just said it when something triggers the response again.
Kinda like he is trying very hard to prove he remembers so he responds as quickly as possible (but doesn't realize the repeats)

Anyway, we went on the bike path and there was women/hybrid bike in front of us
She was going slow enough I wanted to pass her badly but then FIL would have to go past too (with bike traffic)
I kept looking behind to see if he was close enough and maybe we could pass
So I changed my thought process and let FIL lead and I just sat in the back of the train
He just followed her, at her pace, and we both enjoyed the ride better (I'm learning :D )

Went a little farther looking for my favorite fall tree but it wasn't ready yet.
Found another one so I ask FIL to pose. I think it turned out kinda funny (It was by a school)

We rode by my wife's house and showed him the GTO. I realized I had never taken him out in it.
Asked him if he would like to take a drive and go to a diner next week instead of a ride and he said YES!
So we're going to take a riding hiatus next week

Got "back to the ranch" and talked a bit about his bike
I picked it up and it seems so heavy (~38-40lbs), especially for climbing hills by the river
I asked him if he wanted me to swap out some aluminum handle bars for the steel and he said no thanks
Oh well, it sure doesn't hurt him to push himself once in a while. He doesn't mind so why should I? :roll: :D

Rode about 6 miles and we both had a good time.
May take some GTO and fall color shot this Sunday but not sure
I'm looking forward to going ot my special diner where the hashbrowns are perfectly done and fill a whole platter :D :D

Thanks for Looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Follow the Leader

MplsCoaster said:
Thanks Youthgeye, he says he remembers that weekend but not sure how much

Don't discount your own memories.

Love the school drop off photo, and his shirt matches the leaves perfectly.
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Follow the Leader

As always, what a great read. Lots of little lessons to be learned by all. Most of all he is living each moment to the fullest even with the dementia.
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Follow the Leader

The photo with the tree is great with his matching shirt but the sign and the way he's standing there is great!
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Follow the Leader

great story! since he didn't go to dairy queen i brought it to him!
Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Driving the blues away

Hey Youthgeye, You're right that I should enjoy it too, and I did! :D
Glad you liked the Parent Drop Off Zone (PDOZ) pic, It just kinda turned out that way (lucky) :lol:
I didn't even realize the shirt/leaf thing until my wife point it out

Thanks Clancy. Hopefully I can bring tads of insight occassionally. I think he has a better life now that he is riding. :D

Thanks Nick!!

Randy, you're right he has that kinda, "when will someone pick me up??" look
I don't think evither one of us knew how it was going to turn out
but I think he will get a good laugh out of it when he see it, he is the jokester

Thanks Kingfish! Not sure if it's "calendar material" but I appreciate the thought

You Bet Skippy!

Thanks for the DQ pic Snarehead. It looks like a perfect day for DQ there.
We actually did get to DQ but I just wrote about it without a pic
The picture turned out blurry for some reason and I was thinking everybody was getting a bit sick of the same shot

I won't let it happen again :lol:

So as planned we didn't ride last Sunday (Oct5th) and went for a drive instead
Told him the plan that i asked him about last week and he say " oh, okay" :(
It was pretty cool out (high 40s)and windy so not a bad alternative even though the plan is to ride next Sunday (12th)

Took the GTO out for one of the last times this year (my friend once said GTO: Good Til October :lol: )

He didn't say much to begin with and my wife warned me that he wouldn't be much interested in the fall colors
I remined him that he had a Chev Impala SS-4 speed for his family car and this was a modern muscle car
Asked him if he like the blue leather and suede, he said "like Elvis!" , we laughed

Went up to my favorite diner for lunch: Flameburger, best hash browns in town, crispy with lots of butter mmmmm
It must have been a good day for a cruise because we saw quite a few nice cars
This was a sweet, restored late 40s early fities Ford, chime in anybody that knows the actual year...

FIL started making a funny face for me when he saw me taking a pic of my HBs :lol:

He's catching on with the photos even more now since I gave him a book of the thread, what a ham! :lol:

He asked what hash browns were and couldn't tell if he was pulling my leg or not :roll:
He didn't even touch them and said the cheese burger alone was a lot of food
Brought his hash browns home knowing my wife loves them, "hash brownie points" ! :lol:

So we took a highway drive with little reaction when I "booted" the GTO :?
Thought he might like it but was a bit afraid he might not...

Didn't get a picture but had a "deep purple" 77 Monte Carlo with Big and Little tire combo following us for a while :shock:
Went to a dealer that said had a car I was looking to check out but later found out it was already sold
This is a red, naturally-aspirated version of the Hyundai Veloster. I'm looking to test drive a silver turbo in a few weeks when it arrives

Been driving beaters for the last 5 winters and don't want to work on them anymore
Saw somebody stuffed a MTB in the back of a Veloster so my Wife and I could use it for bike trips (without rack-hopefully)
It has 200hp and get 34 mpg on the highway with a real/actual 6 speed auto transmission.
Looked at quite a few other cars, especially US ones but none had the features, performance, and low recall/Tech Service Bulletin rate

Anyway, After we looked a bit, I aksed FIL if he wanted to got to DQ now and he said "YES!"
Realized I had never said we were going to stop at DQ and I think he was kinda bummed out
He starting to pose now on purpose :lol:

Got this impromptu shot to let everybody know we ate there :)lol:) but quickly headed back inside because FIL got cold

Think we'll have to get him some long underwear for cooler rides. I'm already going to start that this week on rides :lol:

One last shot of a pretty nice car we saw at the DQ

Next week, we'll switch back to bikes and riding but with warm clothes and maybe a coffee and donuts place
Think he had a pretty good time but he was not very talkative. Next time, I'll have mention DQ right away :lol:
I really enjoy the GTO and hash browns excellent so I had a great time!
Thanks for looking

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