Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Last DQ, done riding for now
Kingfish, we did have a good time that day, You're right DQ is "King"
Hey IIFIFM, Hot and sugary treats are powerful motivators
Farrad, think I've had Kolachis and remember that were tasty
Since FIL is Danish, we may shoot for a danish, the local Scandinavian favorite
Randy, its sounds like a cool car you saw, thanks for checking
Hey Skipton, you're right, he was booking, the new gearing helps
So It was crazy warm last Saturday, about 70F :shock:
Knew it was going to cool down Sat night so we went one day early
Some tornados hit that night (no injuries, thankfully)
and then we had 11F wind chill and snow on Monday morning :shock: :shock:
Anyway, took our last trip to DQ, Found out FIL was ready an hour before I got there :lol:
Nice riding and he was in very good mood,
Had our last DQ and gave them a good tip and thanked them for the great treats
The sun being low, even at 3pm, gives some nice shadows
FIL wanted to ride some more so we headed to the river road
where he's getting to know the route, then back through the streets toward home
As we were finishing up our nice ride, FIL took a slow speed fall
He's fine but it scared the crap out of me (and him)
Think he felt really embarrassed but I told him everybody does it, including me
Put some knobby tires on to help out with the wet leaves
but that's what wiped him, a small curb under a pile of wet leaves took the front tire
He seemed okay as I helped him up (kinda check him quickly) but he did get a bruise on his thigh
Had my wife check on him and my Sister In Law is in town and she was watching too
So he was just a bit sore but didn't mention anything, I feel kinda bad for him
Think we're done for the season, it doesn't make sense now that it riskier
I hate to end on a low note, So I won't!
Eight great months of riding, lots of fun and DQ, lots of new accomplishments for him,
and it was a really good for his health and me to get to know him
We'll be back riding when the snow clears up
I'm feeling kinda sad though... Plus I feel kinda responsible
and I'm really glad it wasn't a lot worse
Earlier in the ride, I looked over and he was completely (just) stopped without his feet down,
he is really stable in most cases
Think we'll start walking to Turtle Bread Bakery now (Good sweets!)
Trying to figure out whether I should end this thread because walking isn't riding
Maybe a new one in "the other talk" then back in the spring with Riding with FIL or something
What do you guys think?
Thought this was an appropriate last bike picture for the season
Thank you so much for all the input since we started this tread in March
Hopefully you've enjoyed it because I sure have
FIL now keeps his book of the thread by his Broomball trophy so I think he enjoyed it too
Thanks for looking