Re: First Ride in 50+ years: 81rst BDay Ride
Thanks for staying tuned Jerry
I get OOF now, and I have plenty of them :lol:
Hey IIFIFM, Glad you like the posts
Your right, lots of those house types around here, I like them too
One thing nice too is most of those house are somewhat different
I like the lanes too Youthgeye, don't always ride between the lines though :lol:
Thanks Kingfish! We did tell him and he may have kinda got it...
I haven't process the next "Ride with FIL" volume yet
But I'll get there (and there is now a year's worth of pics :shock:

Thanks Juniorswv and 1WS!
My Wife said FIL was been jazzed up for the ride all week
We loaded up, took off and joined the gang at Boom Island along the Mississippi River
We arrived and people were getting ready
And because we were a little late, we were quickly on our way
Was trying to watch FIL at this certain part that is dirt and quick up hill
He lost speed and started almost riding/falling sideways
but gave him a little help with my hand on his shoulder and he pulled it out
Not a bit flustered he was off again
FIL did well on the cobblestone
More than a few of us were going "Ah-h-h-h" as we rode over them :lol:
Got to the Stone Arch Bridge and it was so nice up there
After I saw my Wife hit my (beater) camera button 3 times, I started to try and help
Of course that's when the pic finally took :lol:
We all hung out for a while on the bridge enjoying the weather, bikes, and people
On our way again
FIL digging in against the headwind on the Plymouth Ave Bridge
Everybody lined up for the contest
Asked FIL which bike he wanted to vote for and he choose the nice red and white tandem
I think he finds them interesting but has said he doesn't want to ride one
(And the guy was selling it for $150 :shock: )
This was classic, My wife with her smart phone addiction
and FIL doing his "shout down Robot" impression :lol:
My Wife, FIL, and me were going out to dinner then but several people said they were going for pizza
So we asked FIL and he was really excited about it
Unfortunately it just so happened that he got his pizza last
but he ate the whole thing without saying "That's a lot of food" so I think he was kinda hungry
Home for the Cake and Ice Cream
Both FIL and me had a quarter of it and as much IC to match
We were both really happy (and finally really full)
I think we all of had a great time
I'll post the whole ride soon
Thanks for looking