My Wife is the strongest person I have ever known, bar none. Together we raised two strong, stubborn, successful daughters.
Defining one's self a feminist, to me, is a form of segregation. Like many '-ists', it promotes division over equality. In most cases, I note only passively as other people's definition of feminist may be far different than mine...however. The comments on Democracy and Capitalism are rediculous and to me show that her feminism is about parity, not equality. Parity assumes one is less than the other and needs a boost to get on the same level...I find that to be a piss-poor message to send to other women, especially young women. My daughter's were raised under the mantra that they could accomplish anything they put their mind to. opinion...hard pass. Especially since the hard pass was on godmother/queen status when there are others who were earlier, more successful, and more instrumental.