The lady who sold me the Silvertone had this as well, with the tattered case, and it is a real player. Not some warped up wallhanger. Here is my new/old 1967 Silvertone Bobcat, with some hotrod gold pickups.
This guitar and the stickers on that case represent lots of 1970s/80s/90s Fresno Tower District music culture. There is more than just the guitar here.
The setup, the pickups, the custom nut, and the roadwear tell me this instrument was played by someone serious.
Then it fell over, the knobs were damaged, and it was put away. There was sadness. There was a divorce. Many tears were shed, but now there will be some happiness.
Because even with the whammy bar removed, the missing knobs, and the battlescars, this thing not only plays, but the tone with these pickups on this 58 year old wood is just legendary.
My first guitar was a $30 1969 Silvertone, and as a kid of 16 I had no real appreciation for what I had. I hated it. I hated the high action, the crappy tuners and the matt finish, but it had something.
It had tone. For a cheap guitar it sure didn’t sound like some plywood cigar box.
Well this Bobcat has much more. It has the kind of tone that brought out my wallet. If it wasn’t 6 AM I would demonstrate. ;-)