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That is a beautiful neighborhood. I can’t imagine trying to ride up that hill on a 110 lb sidehack bike with a couple of kids riding along. Very cool bike though. Should be really fun!
That is a beautiful neighborhood. I can’t imagine trying to ride up that hill on a 110 lb sidehack bike with a couple of kids riding along. Very cool bike though. Should be really fun!
Maybe I can get those kids to push the bike back up the hill. They always are asking donations to support their basketball league or school project. I could make up a harness of some kind so they all could pitch in.

I thought I would get a lot done, but it's already 10am and I have little to show for 3 hours. I did get a test drive in but that just added more work. The bike leans out way too much. I thought I was going to fall over. The weight of the sidecar prevented that. So I modified the brace to level it up. I'll need to make it stronger once I have it at the right angle. I did a little sanding on the bike and that was it for now.

The brace was supposed to be flush with the bar, but the welder had a better idea. It moved the angle of the bike outward. I wanted the webbing cut out but the wife and him couldn't figure it out.
23 Jul b.jpg

I cut out a piece of the brace to tilt it inward. Now I need a bar across to secure it.
23 Jul a.jpg
Maybe I can get those kids to push the bike back up the hill. They always are asking donations to support their basketball league or school project. I could make up a harness of some kind so they all could pitch in.

When I read this, I pictured the poor kids hooked up to your charriot like horses with you on your bike with a bullwhip. :D :D :D :D
The welder really did add a big lean into the bike didn't he???? Couldn't notice in the ride bys, but when you rode into the garage, it looked like a 10 degree lean. That would have freaked me out. I know you'll work it out though.
I can persuade the neighborhood dogs with some leftovers from the frig. I'll have to make up a harness of some kind. I'll fly up the hill with all this dogpower! They ride for free downhill in the sidecar.

I already fixed the problem and bolted on a couple brackets to the rear mount. It might be leaning the other way too much, but I can adjust it now, by adding a spacer to the upper mount, on the seat stay.
24 Jul copy.jpg
Quite the diverse pack going on there. 🐕 🐶 🦮 🐕‍🦺Woof woof.
Our neighborhood strays are nowhere near that good looking. I spray around the gate every week for all the fleas they bring. I pulled that photo off the web. Pushing my bike up the hill is exercise I need anyway.