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I didn't do a lot today on other than lay down a base coat of blood-red paint. I got all sorts of pieces and parts hanging and drying...


That's where it stands right now. I have to wait 48 hours to give everything a good sanding then lay down another coat of red. I imagine I'll have to do this at least three times...then a similar process for the clear. Then reassembly, blah blah blah...

I also need to decide on lettering. In my original mockup, I was going to put "MALLIN" on the side of the tank...but I don't know. Here's a look at the original mockup again...


A friend suggested "MALLINATOR" I dunno...

Also, I'm using simple conduit straps to mount the tank (four of them). I was thinking of leaving them bare metal, but maybe they need to be red as well? I guess I could paint them silver?

Decisions decisions. I'm sure it will come to me sooner or later...

If you have thoughts on any or all of the above, I'm listening...
I truly appreciate all the input and kind words! are two pictures...I'm looking for input on the seat-post color, the seat-post-clamp color and the conduit brackets that hold on the tank...



Basically, I originally thought I would do the seat post the same color as the frame...maybe leave the clamp chrome...the seat rails and springs are black...and leave the rear bracket I fabricated black...

Like this...


But the more I look at it...well, I dunno.

Here are a couple of other choices...



I like the back bracket being the same color as the frame like this picture...


On most original bikes, you cannot see the seat post or clamp, so it's not an issue...

WAIT!!! (I just though of this)... what about leaving the seat post read and making the clamp


Yeah...I still dunno. Maybe I'm brain dead from all the paint fumes...?

I'll think about it over night and see if any of you have opinions in the morning...
Hey Bill!
How 'bout leaving the tank clamps as they are, they're probably cad-plated already and would look more racey if you know what I mean (I'm thinking of drag car engine fasteners, etc...most are in their 'natural' finish.
As far as the seat post, you might consider cad-plating (chrome would be too bright) as any paint would get scratched up just putting the seat on along with any adjusting.
Same for the seat hardware. But then black seat hardware would look good too. It's kind of hard to picture, I guess it depends on what else gets plated, you'd need to look at the WHOLE bike and figure how to balance all of the different finishes. Then again looking at the Indian bike, there are alot of 'natural' finishes on it.
Not sure if any of this helps or just adds to the confusion!
Well i think you should leave the tank brackets unpainted, it adds to the detailing.. Same goes for the seatpost and clamp. You need small stuff like that to bring out the rest of the bike if you get me.. :)
Well...I sorta thought more of you would have opinions about the seat-clamp colors...C'est la vie...but I figured it out. Basically I am leaving everything black, and I painted the seat bracket I fabricated black to match the seat rails and springs. (and I've been through every option imaginable...) It's going to look like this (and it looks better in person than this drawing)...


As far as the project goes...everything is painted ...I've gotten all of the rust off of older parts...I've got all the bits sorted out for the front brake...I'm just wanting to ensure the paint is fully I will probably not start reassembly until later this afternoon...hopefully I'll have some pictures of the final product later this evening...

Well... I that's that.


All done (sans some minor little things...but it's 99.9% done)!!!
Uncle Stretch said:
Have you taken it for a shakedown ride yet?
Just got back in from a ride...still runs great! The grin factor is simply off the chart!
Man that came out great! i really like the colour..!
And i know about the grin factor. :D Those things are a blast to ride. :D
Wow!!! :D :D Great job on the paint color!! That is way too cool!! 8) Please let us know how the fuel tank liner works for you after some time passes. That is something that I have never tried. Looks like some really cool stuff!!

Sweet Ride Bro!!! Amazing job! 8) 8)
So one more (multi-part) question for you guys...

A. Do you like a graphic on the tank?

B. If the yes to A. above, which do you prefer from the choices below:

Choice 1 (gold):

Choice 2 (silver):

Choice 3 (silver with a black and silver pinstripe):

(Mallin is my last name).

I like Choice 1, especially if you use an 'old gold', vs. a bright shiny gold.
What about this option w/ the pinstriping in Choice 3?

P.S. The only way I could like this bike better is if it were parked in MY garage!

Dr. T
Dr. Tankenstein said:
I like Choice 1, especially if you use an 'old gold', vs. a bright shiny gold.
What about this option w/ the pinstriping in Choice 3?
Yeah...I thought about it...was afraid it might be too much...


...maybe not?
iDood said:
Dr. Tankenstein wrote:I like Choice 1, especially if you use an 'old gold', vs. a bright shiny gold.
What about this option w/ the pinstriping in Choice 3?

Yeah...I thought about it...was afraid it might be too much...

I vote for that option too.
I don´t think is too much, I think is right on.
#3 but needs something more like wings or something...has a lot of white space toeard the rear.
I just mocked it up in PS...if you centered the name it would look 1000x better in my opinion. Then it wouldn't matter the color or pinstripe.
And in gold...


(might not be 100% centered, but you get the idea...)

Yeah, I like that too...

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