Well...I had a little time to do a little this and that on the bike tonight. I did some piddly things like adjusted the clutch arm (the way it comes from China is crap...it’s now at a right angle to the cable--much nicer), greased the gears on the right side of the engine (dry as a bone from China), and moved the choke from the handlebars elsewhere.
There wasn’t much to the clutch arm or the gear greasing, but I did have a bit more fun with relocating the choke.
I guess they (whoever they are) think the controller for the choke should go on the handlebars. It looks like crap in my opinion, so I moved it.
After searching a bit, I found a great spot--on the right side behind the tank.
I took apart the controller and welded the back metal part it to the frame...
Then I drilled and tapped a hole and screwed the rest of the controller to the frame...
Nice, right?
I also installed the cheap chrome pipe...though not sure I like it...
We’ll see.
So I’m still waiting on my new fork, tires, and rims...and while I do, I might figure out a cleaner way to mount the coil...just need to think about it for a bit...
That’s it for this weekend...I’ll probably find some time to piddle during the week. Hopefully the rest of my parts will show up next week!