I'm mad as *%@*

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Jan 10, 2007
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Montreal, Canada
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My daughter is in College and a French teacher decided for some stupid reason to show some guy eating a baby as an example of "shock art" in class. I'm about to go to war on this guy! :x Sorry for ranting about this, I felt like sharing with my brothers.
If he didn't warn the class that what they were about to see could be disturbing then you are set. Your daughter can't sleep or shower now and is having trouble leading a normal life, bam, free college.
Smokey said:
If he didn't warn the class that what they were about to see could be disturbing then you are set. Your daughter can't sleep or shower now and is having trouble leading a normal life, bam, free college.

i agree.... you should find yourself an attorney, and shut that guy down. that's wrong in every way.
I'll be studying the Canadian Criminal Code over the week end. I'm pretty sure I can find something. He actually showed a picture of a fetus cut up in a plate! It's from a sick email that's been circulated over the internet by some sick Chinese artist. Don't worry about cost of College guys, here in Canada it's costing me like $500 for the year. .... socialist system with free medical care on top of that. :)
xddorox said:
I'll be studying the Canadian Criminal Code over the week end. I'm pretty sure I can find something. He actually showed a picture of a fetus cut up in a plate! It's from a sick email that's been circulated over the internet by some sick Chinese artist. Don't worry about cost of College guys, here in Canada it's costing me like $500 for the year. dang socialist system with free medical care on top of that. :)

If its worse than your sick avatar, that needs to be addressed immediately! :?
dude thats wrong on so many levels. i have no idea how that would pertain to ANY subject! and no matter how much college is, there's no way he should be teaching if he thinks he needs to show that. :x
well u know what they say ...art in many forms ...u may not see it that way ,but somone does i guess!!!! sound weird too me but i dont know crap about art anyway .... rat rod bikes kick ... art n my book
you sound pissed? guess it was a good example of shock art. :)

personally i think its a little silly getting worked up over this. i agree it was in very poor taste. but is it really worth shutting him down?
lets pretend you get him fired, who's gonna suffer.
i'm guessing its gonna be the students when they find a temp replacement for the rest of the year. probably somebody last minute and with less experiance.

that being said, aborted fetus on a plate is the finest example of shock art. its designed to stir up an emotional response and obviously it did.

the artist has laid it out in black and white for ya. abortion= murder and heres a plate of evidence.
perhaps it will make somebody think twice about using abortion as a form of birth control.

cut the teach some slack, i'm sure if he had pictures of meat clothing, he would have had the tree huggin vegetarians screaming foul also.

if this truely is something you and your daugter can not get past, perhaps you should remove her from the class.
your gonna screw 30 other students outta of a teacher for the sake of one. if they don't come up with a replacement, you could be screwing them and your daughter out of a credit and time invested in the course (and believe me it does happen)

just like the teach should have, ya need to think before you act. is a picture of poor taste really worth making 30 students take summer school to graduate on time? or would a letter of disaproval to the teach surfice?

by all means protect your daughter, perhaps she can transfer classes. perhaps a private law suit is in order (if you feel wronged) however its not your place to look out for the rest of the students, and nobodies asked you to. these are adults/young adults and most can take care of themselves. its time to let go.

what would you do if he were an rrb member? send him a private email? or bash him publicly? :)
So that teacher woke up and said to himself "Hmm i know a bunch of 19 year olds who would just love this." I had a similar experience with one of my professors.
its not just to get him fired, its how off topic and unnecessary it was, and disturbing.
icyuod2 you make a very good point. I would also love to punch the guy in the face but I know that's not going to happen or make anything better. Getting him fired is not going to fix anything either. I took a breather and yesterday wrote to his supervisor and await a reply. I will weigh my options once I get a response. What I want is for that person to realize that you can't do something stupid like that and not get some flak. I will not under any circumstances let this go under the carpet and I am prepared to do anything to get a sincere apology out of the guy.

I agree that my daughter is know a young adult and she must fly with her own wings. Trust me when I say that she does, but sometimes some things require that the Lion comes out of you for them. They are still and forever your kids and it still makes you go nuts when any kind of harm comes there way.

Yes art can be shocking, I know that as an artist myself, but like in anything there are limits.

mastronaut, I know and thanks. It's actually a picture of me from Halloween 2 years ago. :)
I see no art in this scenario whatsoever. Having taken advanced art in high school, I was exposed to the many different styles of art that are practiced around the world.

Is it moral to see a cut up fetus on a plate waiting to fill someone's stomach and call it art? The "art" of eating a fellow human as opposed to the disrespect of those once living humans that had a pumping heart before they are served on a plate?

Or is it the perverse world and how one perceives art?

Nonetheless, a fetus is a person and eating such material should be discouraged in every way.

But I know it happens. The world may hide it. That's why your daughter's French teacher probably showed it. If one wants to learn about this kind of stuff on their own time, let them do it; they have their own privileges. However, forcing such material to a mass audience of whom would be disturbed by it is wrong.

Definitely shocking.

To call it art, on the other hand? Nope. Definitely immoral.
not to take away from the seriousness of this but I read it was a roasted duck with a dolls head on it...Really

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