Kickstand Magazine Update

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Double Nickle said:
Singletrack said:
from what we can tell the problem lies with USPS.

I've never had anything show up in the mail 11 months late.

On a side note I got mine today and enjoyed looking through it :lol:
How about your NBHAA valuation report???

Ohh sorry. That was wrong. Shame on me!!

1918 Ranger
1918 Ranger said:
Double Nickle said:
Singletrack said:
from what we can tell the problem lies with USPS.

I've never had anything show up in the mail 11 months late.

On a side note I got mine today and enjoyed looking through it :lol:
How about your NBHAA valuation report???

Ohh sorry. That was wrong. Shame on me!!

1918 Ranger

Very funny! Hahaha great comparison!
The advertisers are the ones who should really be hearing all these complaints. That would motivate KSM to get the lead out.
Yeah, got my issue #10, too.
Only took, what? A year and a half? And as Dr. T mentioned, it's really more of a pamphlet than a magazine. A year and a half of "work", and that's the best he could do? I really loved the concept of this mag when it started, but I'm pretty much done, too. My patience ran out a long time ago. BKE's attitude certainly hasn't helped my impression, whether or not his recent turn-around of responses is sincere, or he's just trying to hold on to whatever small support base he's still got...
Sorry, as a subscriber from day 1, just had to toss in my 2 cents. :roll: