Kickstand Magazine Update

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I hope this photo shows up :?: Its the last three messages from that facebook kickstand page topic that got deleted, a friend of mine made a screen grab of it before they got it off there.

I got this 2 days ago, after they deleted my facebook post, after they deleted brain's ... still running people in circles it sounds like. Brad looked up an e-mail I sent in April of 2011 asking if I could find out when my subscription was up.

BKE said:
I just saw your post on FB, and immediately did an email search on my mac mail, this is the only email that I have received from you about your subscription, and didn't know that you hadn't received a magazine.

We are just finalizing the mailing on issue 10, and expect it to go out this week! (yikes finally!) It's printed for more than a month, but the mailing list is a tangled mess that, rather than trying to send out mags to addresses that had been rejected in the past, I've spent countless hours trying to combine about 4 different xls files into an accurate mailing list. My apologies for not getting to you sooner, but we are still doing our best to get the next magazine out to our loving subscribers.

So is there an actual issue #10 floating around somewhere? Bike shops, or that someone might have actually received. The KSM Facebook page seems to show one with REI printed on the front.
No response from the message I sent, guess someone is having fun with all the drama.
It may be a good idea to get in Touch with REI before they spend any money in a publication that has failed to meet its responsibilities to the general public.
MazdaFlyer said:
So is there an actual issue #10 floating around somewhere? Bike shops, or that someone might have actually received. The KSM Facebook page seems to show one with REI printed on the front.
No response from the message I sent, guess someone is having fun with all the drama.

I commented on that FB magazine cover pic back in august ... nobody has seen the actual magazine that I know of ... KSM on facebook has said they abandoned the subscriptions and to get a hold of Brad, Brad sent me an e-mail saying they were sorting out the mailing list to send people there magazines ??? Who knows anymore
Ichoptop said:
read back a few pages. #10 does exist, I picked up a free copy at the velo swap a month or so back

They told John brain that they gave them out free at Interbike and were giving them out free at bike shops. Said nothing about giving them to paid subscribers. the people who fronted the money at the beginning to help them get the magazine going :shock: KSM has treated its subscribers like dirt, no other way to say it :!: I dont trust anything they say :!:
irideiam said:
irideiam said:
I just threw in the towel on my 1 year subscription, and requested a refund after waiting for over a year for issue 10. I was told several times the "issue is in the mail", by Brad over email. I sent the request for a refund email yesterday and I have not received a response, I will keep you posted...... :x

As of today, No response to my refund request...

Still no response or refund...what kind of recourse do we have?
I'd just like my refund or issue #10. Might mountain bikers be next?
The biggest sting on all this is that we are a pretty big segment of the cycling population, and we are pretty much ignored by "mainstream" bicycling publications. Occasionally you'll see an article buried somewhere in Bicycling, crammed between the latest speed tip and the next $2000 'bargain". We actually get a magazine devoted to us, kinda, and in the end we get burned...
I gave up hope on Kickstand a while ago. I have more important things to fret over.
As Tater said get in touch with the producers in the link below I would also get in touch with REI corporate not the local store but the corporate marketing folks.

I know that the amount spent by each person is not worth the work but he has probably collected a pretty penny in general. Did he get any people on the cabe.
The following showed up from a link on their Facebook page, notice the new shipping date for issue #10:

Kickstand Magazine was launched with the sole mission of celebrating the fun that could be had on a bicycle - not only in our hometown of Denver, CO; but in communities around the globe. In retrospect this was probably an overly ambitious goal on our part. Despite the obituaries that some have written for us - HAVE NO FEAR: We are still publishing Kickstand Magazine.

Despite both the financial and logistical challenges we have experienced in bringing this idea to fruition, we are working as hard as humanly possible to keep KSM alive - even with the odds (as outlined below) being stacked against us. There is little doubt that we have made our fair share of mistakes launching and trying to maintain what is has become somewhat of an un-wieldy beast. But we've managed to produce 10 issues on a shoe-string budget.

In this process, we may have created the expectation that we could do more than we thought we could. Worst of all, we have disappointed many of our loving and loyal fans. For this we sincerely apologize. What started as little more than a dream - coupled with a gigantic heaping of faith - we grabbed the proverbial bull-by-the-horns and have been riding this crazy ride (or attempting to) ever since. We haven't given up on this dream, and as proof of our commitment to KSM, we will finally be shipping issue 10 in January 2013, and will be launching a brand-spanking new companion website: in the second quarter of 2013. We will also be hosting a first of its kind Social Ride Congress on August 21-24, 2013 in Denver, CO.
Sounds like more baloney to me. I'll never EVER bite simply from all the crap I've heard about this guy. There are enough good websites on the net for me. Magazines usually are trashed by the time they reach my mailbox anyway.
the magazine didnt really have much worth looking at anyway. Waste of money for nothing. There is nothing ya cant get from this you wont get ripped off by some looser trying to be a business man.
naturephotoboy3 said:
the magazine didnt really have much worth looking at anyway. Waste of money for nothing. There is nothing ya cant get from this you wont get ripped off by some looser trying to be a business man. [/ quote]

Unfortunately that hasn't been 100% accurate

Hoping you know what and who I mean.

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