>>>LACKLUSTER<<< Done.

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Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

Looks so nice, it really seems like paint jobs have been stepped up this year! The things y'all do with spray paint. :eek:
Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

Skipton said:
Fantastic! 8) :mrgreen:
Thank you Skip. Thats big coming from you.

kingfish254 said:
What a beautiful bike!

I got a kick out of the Kilroy Was Here photo!

Well it may only be half beautiful right now. I guess I could ride a continuous wheelie and call it done!
I actually photo bombed that pic as my buddy was shooting it. :D

Oneuglybike said:
Work of art!! More artsy than fartsy! :mrgreen:
OK I'll meet you in the middle and say its a work of artsy fartsy... :wink:

dogdart said:
Beautiful . I've always wanted to do a bike in those colors :D
Thanks Dog! Like I said before, I was taking a chance on these colors. I'm happy they worked out.. whew!

yoothgeye said:
Looks so nice, it really seems like paint jobs have been stepped up this year! The things y'all do with spray paint. :eek:
"Spray paint" is a relative term. :wink:
Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

Critter1 said:
yoothgeye said:
Looks so nice, it really seems like paint jobs have been stepped up this year! The things y'all do with spray paint. :eek:
"Spray paint" is a relative term. :wink:

Oops, I missed that you aren't a rattle canner. :oops:
Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

Here's a couple more angles I liked.

This one shows the contour fitting between the fender and the rack.

I really like this kick stand match painted. It always looked huge to me (and it still does) but at least it blends and looks the part now. I guess it kinda gives a balance between the two sides now..
Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

Makes me want to run down to the DQ for a chocolate shake!!! :lol: :mrgreen:
Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

I'm 99% done.. Now I'll take the next month and a half to make changes, dial it in, and finish the last 1%. I haven't even ridden it yet... Had to throw in in the back of the car and boogie back to Sac for the 2nd Saturday Suzie Burger gathering for my shakedown ride. Stopped at home long enough to change and make this post!

Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< Artsy fartsy pics..

Critter1 said:
I'm 99% done.. Now I'll take the next month and a half to make changes, dial it in, and finish the last 1%. I haven't even ridden it yet... Had to throw in in the back of the car and boogie back to Sac for the 2nd Saturday Suzie Burger gathering for my shakedown ride. Stopped at home long enough to change and make this post!


That is one awesome bike buddy! 99% done? I guess I should be happy I'm @ 13.5% done so far! My wife keeps sidetracking with stuff that needs done around the house! Need to figure out some way to get her out of town for a few days!!!! :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
Re: >>>LACKLUSTER<<< 99% club

sensor said:
wait youre a 1%er or a 99%er? looks good either way :wink:
Thanks for the kind words guys!

Sensor.. I guess its a "glass half full" thing... 99% done with 1% left to do... Today I'm a 99%er, tomorrow a just might be a 1%er... :)

The Suzie Burger shakedown ride went...... OK. I was a little nervous about the springer travel vs. front tire clearance. All was good on smooth ground. The bike actually is a nice cruiser. Unfortunately there was one little mishap when riding with the group.. As we rode out of a parking lot into the street and I hit the transition "dip", the springer jammed that Jerald tire right up into the fender and stopped me dead in my tracks! (who needs breaks when I have THIS) and the back end of the bike came up and over on me!! I put my hands out and caught myself,,, and got a little road rash in the process.. Amazingly, somehow I managed to keep the bike off the ground with my foot, my leg, and some prayers!! All I could think about as the pavement approached was "save the paint!!!" Imagine a tripod.. Both hands on the ground, left foot on the ground, right foot doing its best to keep the bike off the pavement! Luckily someone rode up right behind me, grabbed the bike, & helped me up. LESSON LEARNED! I definitely have some fine tuning to do!

