Uncle Stretch said:I have seen Basman on here before , but I doubt that they would be really impressed with me copying their product. :lol: Since you have a real one it has helped alot. The fact that you like my try at one is really nice too. I appreciate it. :wink: I thought the sign was funny too.
sensor said:ahhh the joys of cleaning up joints :roll:
They are expensive compared to other bikes , but that dosent seem to stop alot of people from buying them. I really wouldnt want to profit from somebody's design. Macargi kinda does one like it. I'm afraid I would have a bunch of Dutch people over at my house wanting to beat me up. :lol: :lol: :lol: I love their design too and I wanted to see how close I could come to making one. I think its going to be prety close. There are differances...I cant stand the circle they stick their BB in. And I really couldnt match their dropouts,but I think mine turned out acceptable. If I build another ,I will stretch it about 5'' and maybe 3 or 4 inches taller....just my taste.Boardtrack fan said:Great looking build Stretch. I haven't been on much lately, so I'm just getting caught up. The Baseman is one of my all time favorite designs and you are doing it justice. With the price of a Baseman you might want to consider building your design and selling them (take deposits first!).
Uncle Stretch said:Deorman thats funny!!!! i thought about that ,but figured by now everybody was tired of looking at it. :lol: