Last Shot....With Paint

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Re: Last Shot

Someone should make a printable of version of that sign. I would laminate it up and post on the door to the garage.
Re: Last Shot

They do was hanging at a bike show. Maybe we can get some printed up . :wink: You could be in charge of that ....while your waiting to head for the slopes. :lol:
Re: Last Shot

I dunno if I have time. 2 days on the weekends plus a night during the week up on the hill. But I may work on it.
Re: Last Shot

Uncle Stretch said:
I have seen Basman on here before , but I doubt that they would be really impressed with me copying their product. :lol: Since you have a real one it has helped alot. The fact that you like my try at one is really nice too. I appreciate it. :wink: I thought the sign was funny too.

You may have copied their frame, but your execution of it has many personal touches 8) I think if you use the same style of gussets on the bb, as used on the dropouts, you got yourself a winner original enough :mrgreen:
Re: Last Shot

Ask and you shall receive, it's not perfect, but 'it'll do'.


Dr. T
Re: Last Shot

You know Ace its really hard to con my fabricating friend into plazma cutting some gussets for the BB. He got in a big 3 week job yesterday ,and all the silly side projects went on hold. I am kinda anxious to finish so the frame will have to go like it is. I start smearing bondo on all the welds in a few minutes. While I'm letting it get hard ,I will dream up some kind of a fork to move the front wheel a few inches forward. I have two inches between the pedal and the back of the tire and it needs some more.
Hey DR T thanks for the sign work. Now we need 4000 copies on a laminated surface that we can mail to all the members. You got it covered? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Last Shot

Yeah I thought that would be asking too much. :lol: But at least now we have a bigger copy that we can print and laminate our own. Good job.

Well not much done today .....lots of smearing bondo on and then sanding most of it off. Thought I would get through in one day. Guess not. I still have probably one days worth of sanding and filling ....looks like the bad weather will hit here on thursday so painting will probably wait till our next cold spell passes. Suposed to be better by next monday. Maybe I can paint then. Boy I hate bondo and sanding....yuck!! :roll:
Re: Last Shot

Great looking build Stretch. I haven't been on much lately, so I'm just getting caught up. The Baseman is one of my all time favorite designs and you are doing it justice. With the price of a Baseman you might want to consider building your design and selling them (take deposits first!).
Re: Last Shot

sensor said:
ahhh the joys of cleaning up joints :roll:

Yeah Sensor I had them pretty smooth from the flap disk ,but I'm trying for real good instead of marginal so its taking a little longer.
Boardtrack fan said:
Great looking build Stretch. I haven't been on much lately, so I'm just getting caught up. The Baseman is one of my all time favorite designs and you are doing it justice. With the price of a Baseman you might want to consider building your design and selling them (take deposits first!).
They are expensive compared to other bikes , but that dosent seem to stop alot of people from buying them. I really wouldnt want to profit from somebody's design. Macargi kinda does one like it. I'm afraid I would have a bunch of Dutch people over at my house wanting to beat me up. :lol: :lol: :lol: I love their design too and I wanted to see how close I could come to making one. I think its going to be prety close. There are differances...I cant stand the circle they stick their BB in. And I really couldnt match their dropouts,but I think mine turned out acceptable. If I build another ,I will stretch it about 5'' and maybe 3 or 4 inches taller....just my taste.
Re: Last Shot

Man both of those are killer designs.....hummm might be my next copy ...Thanks :D

Deorman thats funny!!!! i thought about that ,but figured by now everybody was tired of looking at it. :lol:
Re: Last Shot

Uncle Stretch said:
Deorman thats funny!!!! i thought about that ,but figured by now everybody was tired of looking at it. :lol:

i only read what your typing if its within 2-3 inches of a picture .... by all means pic away :mrgreen:
Re: Last Shot

Hummm Ok I guess I will do more pics. Oh and congrats on the sm position. Was a good choice
The next few pics may be differant. Since its going to be for my wife , she will be in charge of how she wants it painted and finished ...may not look like anything I would have come up with. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Last Shot

That ladies bike above looks very very cool.

I think that one is worth copying for sure.
Re: Last Shot

I looked like crazy and couldn't find the site. Siberian I wish you would post it here if you know where it is. Thanks

Ok it looks like the Monark forks have finally found a home. I still have some more sanding left , but we have a cold front fixing to hit us so I shifted to trying to find a fork instead of keep sanding.


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