Last Shot....With Paint

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Re: Last Shot

Well since EVERYONE is complimenting ya.......I've got a criticism!.....That FOUR foot kickstand looks stupid! You can do better then that. :wink:
Re: Last Shot

Yeah Kota I'm looking into it. I have to come up with something before its painted. I thought about the one I have been building, but this one is pretty low to begin with. I will design me I'm tired of it falling over. :cry: :cry:
Re: Last Shot

well turnabout is fair play i might have to do some bars like that for a certian bike i am working on. i would leave them raw they look sexy well done
Re: Last Shot

Hey Karfer your welcome to try those. I started out with a set of those ones that use to be on english racers. I'm not sure what you call them. I cut the curved part off and left just the straight. Then I 45ed the curved ones and the straight ones and welded. Then I cut up a pair of mini apes and did the 45 trick again and welded them. Its really fun to keep all the parts the same and hold them while you tack. I mostly used what was cutoff to judge what to cut on the next side ...if that makes any sense. :lol:

Thanks Riverbend, that is what retirement and trying to stop boredom will get you. :lol: Believe it or not I'm going so slow on this one its pathetic. I work a little and play on RRB and then mess with it a little. This bike would have normally been finished by now. Since I may not be doing anymore I'm stretching this one out. It makes me feel bad for overuseing the build section. Its hard for others to post ,because I am using the first spot way more than one bike build should.I know everybody is tired of seeing my stuff,but it wont be too much longer. :oops:
Re: Last Shot

man you make me look lazy some nights i get home and i am just tired and dont feel up to it. and when i am not in the zone i mess up and i hate making a part two times. thanks for the tip on the bars what did you use to weld them? i would asume not too much heat handlebars are thin
Re: Last Shot

I used my wire welder. It should be tiged ,but I dont have one. They are thin and you could burn through. If the fitment is really right and you do quick tack type welds it works perfect. Like 1 second hits and then move. Then flap disk them.
Re: Last Shot

looks good and i like the 4' kickstand :mrgreen:
every set of bars ive cut ive used a mig....personally i like my heat up all the way(on the same lincoln you have) and tubing no thinner on bars than it is on bike tubing....1/16"
Re: Last Shot

Man i had very little luck welding my 45's on my bars with a wire welder kept burning threw, then when i got it not to burn threw they just broke apart on the way out of the garage :shock:. I had to make plugs for the joints kinda like a roll bar i guess, because a wire welder is all i have. I dont think your forks do the rest of you bike justice Unc. The tubing just dont look thick enough, just my thought. Dont get me wrong i still wanna ride it :mrgreen:
Re: Last Shot

Yeah Mark and I were talking and I'm going to try to build a big tube set of the monark springer.They are really a simple fork to copy. Probably wont make this bike, because If I keep messing around I wont ever get this thing finished. :lol:
Ok required picture insertion

Re: Last Shot

Wow, very nice! I would shell out some good coin for that bike 8) For me i would like to see some straight bars :wink:
Re: Last Shot

I think the proportional difference in fork/frame tubing is exaggerated by the narrow black against the wide bare steel. If they were finished the same, or reversed, it would probably look normal.
Re: Last Shot

Maddog It will work with a regular fender , I'm not sure about a front . I may try fenders there is no telling. They kinda make a bike look real stock though. Sorta takes away that muscle bike look

Dman thanks ,I have take a little more pains with this one that normal.

Redeyerat I'm glad you think my build is worth something. The wife already called dibbs on it though. I tried straight bars first and they look ok I may build a differant set tomorrow and see.

Deorman Its hard to tell. A small tube on a big tube bike might not really look as good as a big tube. Most of the Basman bikes have the big tripple tree forks , My problem is this I already have. On a Harley with a springer ,it looks cool to have a small tube fork on a bulky bike. Then some Harley guys like the tripple tree big tube fork. I guess its just differant taste.
Re: Last Shot

I see your point Deorman, but I think the forks are balanced by the rearstays' tubing, they roughly look like the same diameter. Perhaps a beefier (double headed?) stem would balance things out more on the front ?

Great set of handlebars Paul, very Art Deco indeed (Jugendstil would be like talkin' german, right ?) :mrgreen:
Re: Last Shot

Yeah Ace they were just something to play with. If I can get my lazy rear motivated ,I'm going to jump out there and do a set of flat roundish ones and maybe get my kickstand done. Gonna steal IronSpades idea of a Harley type without the wrench ,so Kota will stop making fun of my stick....German huh? I tried the website that Siberian sent ...all German and It was French to me. :shock:
Re: Last Shot

Ok Kota you can quit whinning now about my 4' kickstand....Stole Iron spades kickstand idea. Oh and did you know if your 4'' grinder falls off the workbench while your down on the floor will hit something on the way down and turn on and when it lands on the side of your arm will real quick give you the equal to a good road rash. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Last Shot

Uncle Stretch said:
. Oh and did you know if your 4'' grinder falls off the workbench while your down on the floor will hit something on the way down and turn on and when it lands on the side of your arm will real quick give you the equal to a good road rash. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

pics or it didn't happen :p
Re: Last Shot


Since I had lots of cut up handle bars from yesterdays build...I cut the part out of one where the little grooves are. Since its 1'' it will slide over 7/8 pipe. I drilled one hole on each side through the grooved part and a little into the 7/8 tubing and then plug welded it so that part couldnt move. Then on to my trusty HF bender. It worked good. You can design any kind of bend you want. I chose straight because that is really what this bike needs. Anyway here is what it looks like.


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