Little Red Express Trike

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sad news... I don't think dual discs is going to work this time around :cry: I went out and looked it over and at first glance it looked like I would be able to oversize the holes on the disc and just run the drive flange through it on one side and bolt it on for the non drive side. It was looking good until I checked out the clearances for the caliper. in order to clear the caliper I would need to space the disc out quite a ways. I'm going to look into some really big discs and see if they might make it workable. also see what other options there are for mechanical calipers and how narrow I can get them. Good thing I work at a bike shop! plenty of info available. the only limitation will be $$$


I think I'm going to try and make some addapters to run a set of larger discs. one on each side. maybe not the 205s but something bigger than what I had. I was thinking about it all night and i think I have it figured out. I think I can cut down the axle housing to make room for the disc mounts. definitly have to sell a bike or two to pay for this one... maybe I'll start donating plasma at $15 a visit.
I hear ya, it all adds up fast. My air ride bike is running 185mm front and rear, they stop you fast with only 2 fingers pulling. The Avids are super easy to set up and their power rivals hydraulics with much less work. :wink:
This fork I didn't have to widen but just barely! my tour de fat bike I had to widen it by a washer on each side. I did have to pull out the strut bars a little by hand but I'm not entirely positive they were straight to begin with.
Got my tires in today so I pounded in the bearings for the rear end and threw it together to mock up the seat height. Hopefully I can get some welding done this weekend. I have to weld on the derailleur hanger for the 7 speed freewheel, the post for the jockey shift, finish welding the wagon so I can start bodywork on that, and add in the seat post tube. I think I've figured out a way to run the disc brakes so I may try to make the adapters if I can find the right stock to make it simple. I think a pair of Avid BB5s with 160mm discs and a problem solvers cable splitter so I can run both off the same brake lever. Now that two of my classes are over I hope to make more progress on this! Getting the money for the brakes will slow me down :x




I love this build! Why?
I love trikes, trucks, springers, fat tires and that's the FIRST time I've ever seen ANYONE use a 'curl' bar as a bumper!

Dude, you're the man!

Hope those brakes come sooner than later!

Dr. T
Dr. Tankenstein said:
I love this build! Why?
I love trikes, trucks, springers, fat tires and that's the FIRST time I've ever seen ANYONE use a 'curl' bar as a bumper!

Dude, you're the man!

Hope those brakes come sooner than later!

Dr. T

Dr. Tankenstein said:
I love this build! Why?
I love trikes, trucks, springers, fat tires and that's the FIRST time I've ever seen ANYONE use a 'curl' bar as a bumper!

Dude, you're the man!

Hope those brakes come sooner than later!

Dr. T

I'm glad you like it and I hope i can swing the brakes before too long. maybe next pay period... I think the tires turned out perfect for this build. I don't know if I could ever run fatter than this on any of my builds, it's just such a perfect tire! The Curl bar is something I found at my local used hardware store. I swing by every week or so and just walk through the yard to see what kind of fun stuff I can find. that's where I got the light bar that I was also thinking about using as a bumper. But the curl bar with the side bars removed will fill the space under the box perfectly!
I'll have an old school blue and yellow california plate off my truck here in a few months. Have to get the registration changed to Arizona! I'll bet it will fit nice. I'm a little worried about the lights and how they will look. but that's not for a while!
Just found your build via fireproof's build. This trike is awesome! I love the lines on the frame and the low streamline flow of the whole thing. Very kool trike for sure! I'll be watching this one for sure!
Thought I would post some of the little things I've been doing so I'm all caught up when I start making progress over spring break.

Added my seat tube a while back... it goes all the way through the frame so the seat post won't bottom out. I may trim it down a little before paint but that's a ways off.

Couldn't quite get the used springer legs to line up straight and it was frustrating me until I thought of the brand new springer on my swing bike... That doesn't have to go straight! I just swapped the legs since the steer tubes were cut to different lengths. Had to put a washer on each side of the new legs to clear the 24x3 tire.


I also dug out an old California plate to mount on the rear bumper.

I'm actually going to order my Avid BB5 mechanical disc brakes today and get to work designing the adapters so I'm ready to rock and roll come spring break.
Getting stuff done. Its going to look nice. I bought some Fatti-o's with that same tread pattern and they throw every little rock right at you. I will probably have to run some fenders on whatever I use them on. :shock:
Finally I'm jumping into this dual disc brake job. Got my parts in at the shop today so I'm going to load up the trike tomorrow into the truck and take everything down to a friends machine shop so we can make the disc adapters for the hubs. After that I need to weld on the deraileur mount, the jockey shift bar, and the bed supports. After that it's time for final assembly before tear-down and paint. Oh and i have to finish the welding and bodywork on the bed. Electronics will come during full mock up. For the next week now it's time to get crackin'


Didn't get much work done on the trike this week but did get some little things done. I cut a deraileur hanger off an broken 10 speed and welded it to the bottom of the axle support. I'll now be able to run a 7 speed cassette with a jockey shift.



I also found new axle nuts at the hardware store. Check you local hardware store for the chrome section! sweet hardware in beautiful chrome plate. Cost me almost $8 per acorn nut but it's a great way to cap off the rear wheels!



Hope to make some serious progress later this week when the weather breaks. I'm shooting for an April 1 deadline... even if it isn't painted yet, so I can show it off at the local art walk!