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Need to angle the seat tube back to get rid of the falling forward feeling. Looks like another fun one.
No I have like 8" clearance under the pedals in their lowest position. I'm straightening out the chain stays, relaxing the bend at the top of the seat stays and then reevaluating the stance. That will effectively tilt the seat post back. I may stretch the forks a bit too...

Diversion... My youngest boy is 20 tomorrow. He beat me in a sprint on almost identical Schwinn Travelers a year or so ago. (the blue one in the first post is his) I've got 40 lbs and almost 40 yrs on him so I figure I need a lighter bike. Time to build the Nishiki I didn't cut up...

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Diversion II - went back to the lighter 27" wheels, found the bar end shifters (FYI 90 degrees of friction movement) and swapped to the vintage bars cuz fast is ok but it's gotta look cool too. Started the reassembly. Needs chain and I gotta find the rear derailleur...

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Cut the seat stays took out 3 or 4 inches, broke the welds on the chain stays at the BB effectively dropping the BB 6" low n go now but I don't like the look of the chain stays... So there's more to do.

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I really like the balance between the chain and seat stays now.
Yeah it's getting there, but I used a section of curving seat stays on the chain stays, mostly because it was what was in my hand and now I don't like the curve. So while I have the welds at the BB broke I'll be cutting that section out too. Straight lines will be much cleaner.
It is looking faster in a forward way, as opposed to the uphill way before. Moved from the hill to the drag strip. Or maybe a mudpit.View attachment 107563
What do you get when you cross a Kawasaki with an International Harvester? I actually like that look and will probably be putting a big cleated back tire on mine. If I keep dragging my feet I may end up needing to make a studded snow tire. Also the bearings on that back hub are a little crunchy, looks like I'll be opening it up soon too.

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I have a nice men's Schwinn Racer that many of the missing parts from this bike went to. Not a restoration but a clean & maintenance...

I bought mine for the kickback hub. The bike looked barely used, so lots of good parts.
But thought there was no use for the frame. The right tools open a lot of doors.
It's looking much better. I don't really know the look you are going for, have you considered moving the seat back and the BB forward? It looks like you are losing ground clearance on the pedals.
Or work on smaller bikes. This was supposed to be a kid's bike build!:grin:

Straight chain stays look way better though!
No...??? I see Winter Build Off and 21" and smaller wheels... Nothing about kids, besides all my kids are adults so... I suppose if I gave it to one of them it would be a kid's bike.


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