This bike is going to be built by my 10-year old son. It's a pretty simple design and build, so I'm going to let him tackle it with my guidance. We've toyed with the idea of building a wheelie bar, so we'll see.
It's killing me. You've seen my builds. I'm all about chrome and shiny paint. The fact I kept a rusty frame at all was just sheer madness for me. And now my demon-spawn wants to pound nails in my coffin my insisting on more rust? Oh the humanity!!Very cool! I love that he wants more rust!
"No Dad, I want them all rusty. A rusty rat."
Welcome to the dark side!I need to search RRB and find out how to rust stuff up.
I can't believe I just typed that.
I'm noticing that where I test cleaned that rusty fender is really sticking out at me in the pictures. I need to search RRB and find out how to rust stuff up.
I can't believe I just typed that.
It's killing me. You've seen my builds. I'm all about chrome and shiny paint. The fact I kept a rusty frame at all was just sheer madness for me. And now my demon-spawn wants to pound nails in my coffin my insisting on more rust? Oh the humanity!!
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