My LBS's (I have 2) both really like my bikes, but they are nothing they're familiar with. The mechanics are young, so have no experience with the old stuff. The opposite is also true. While in there buying a cable or housing or something, and discussing old stuff, they show me the new stuff on the $6,000 race bikes and $4,000 Mountain Bikes. It's incredible where the level of technology has gone since I stopped riding mountain bikes in the 90's.
To me, the old stuff is simplistic, yet challenging (rebuilt my first SA internal 3 speed recently). But bikes are bikes, and they're all good.
As far as shopping for actual parts at an LBS... I ask if they have an "old parts bin" I can rummage through. I've gotten a couple good pieces from them that way. Outside of that, RRB "For Sale" and Ebay.
Oh... and I buy entire bikes just to get one part, which leaves me with lots of extras. :banghead: