Mean Streak

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Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Bradley Illinoiz
The plan is to modify the: frame, wheel size, stance and color.

Mean Streak start1.jpg

Thanks for the props guys. It definitely wasn't started before the kickoff date, and it already clears the two outta three rules, but there are some big changes coming soon. I promise.


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I've been hitting it pretty hard on both of my part time jobs, so I've yet to do anything but think about what I want to do. I always set myself up in my head for more than I can reasonably do. But hey, nobody ever accused me of being reasonable. So most of this mod is going to revolve around the back wheel and I've got nothing in hand. I'd love to go crazy and fabricate a doolly o_O a dually? Oh a dual rear tire setup on one hub... I'm not sure I even have a pair of matching 26 x 1 3/8 tires. But I've got to get on this build so I'm hoping I can fab the rear dropouts Saturday. I also need to cut out the brake bridge and maybe add a more laid back seat post tube, rather than re-positioning the existing one. Yeah I went from lots of time to "better get on it"

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A dually? Why stop there, a tandem axle dually trike! I triple dog dare ya. After all you have 6 weeks.:D
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A dually? Why stop there, a tandem axle dually trike! I triple dog dare ya. After all you have 6 weeks.:D
It was just a fleeting idea, building a dually...
I was reading an old thread about it here >>> LINK
I still think it can be done I just have to do it
(that's how things get done)
I laced a rim last nite for a bike I'm building for a little girl who needs a bike for Christmas but the family can't swing it. So I'm rebuilding an old build of mine called Grr-RAT-ified.

A bare metal build that was sprayed with DupaColor Color Effex which is an awesome clearcoat with some prism type of powder in it that reflects great and doesn't show in low light. Took the gratified vinyl letters off the guard and added a Bell seat with a flashing light built in the back. Perfect for a 7 yr old. I think she'll like it. It's old but it's pretty.

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Lucky little girl to have friends like you !
Friends of friends at church. I doubt we'll ever meet. But I was thinking of offering it as an "endless" bike, when it's time to upgrade bring it back and I'd build a bigger bike, a 24" and then later on a 26" or 700c. I'm thinking down the road a young lady may always need a bike.

Merry Christmas Y'all
Some assembly required but the mock-up looked good. So I tack welded it. I probably should've stripped the green beforehand but it'll come off. Rear wheel is a placeholder... I've got a two speed kickback stashed for it. Those hubs cruise nice.

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May continue the cantilever tubes, and possibly plate it in following the gussets. I'd use angled pieces kinda stealth bomber looking...

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Here's a little FYI. The new dropouts I welded in are from the old Rollfast that I cut the rear triangle out of when I built Rockin' Rollfast in 2016. I don't throw anything away, if it looks reusable, it's stashed somewhere. I have a few rideable parts bikes put away besides the boneyard outside. The stays on that Rollfast frame were rusted out and crumbling but the dropouts where thick steel just what I needed here. Have a Merry Christmas y'all!


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