So the bigger button head on the sissy clamp is causing some interference issues with the caliper mount. So I cut and shaved it down.
But it still doesn’t clear. So if I cut any more, it will cut into the original mounting hole.
So I’m going to fill that hole with weld to reinforce the integrity. Not that it would really cause any problem, but if you’ve followed any of my builds you know that I strive to make things look like they were meant to be there. (With varying degrees of success). I’ve decided to paint this piece gloss black to break up all the chrome, so modifications will be fine. You can also see where the pilot hole is for drilling and tapping the bolt that will mate this to the frame.

But it still doesn’t clear. So if I cut any more, it will cut into the original mounting hole.

So I’m going to fill that hole with weld to reinforce the integrity. Not that it would really cause any problem, but if you’ve followed any of my builds you know that I strive to make things look like they were meant to be there. (With varying degrees of success). I’ve decided to paint this piece gloss black to break up all the chrome, so modifications will be fine. You can also see where the pilot hole is for drilling and tapping the bolt that will mate this to the frame.
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