this is my first documented build. first off, any help to id this bike would be great. this bike was my grandpas, he bought it at an auction and rode it for a good 15 years. all he ever did was patch the tubes and add a basket to carry the papers he delivered. when he had it, there was a basket, a broken fork, and some huge beach cruiser handles. i wanted to restore it till about two weeks ago. i knew my grandpa raced midget cars at a dirt track, and we found a picture of him racing, ding! this is going to be a homage to his racing days in the 40's and 50's. its going to be red and cream (his car colors) and be nuberes 27, the year he was born. the story behind the name: he loved chickens, and we found it holding up a chicken coop.
any help with the id would be much appreciated
not to bad for a 15 year old with a hammer and dolly. thinking of making this longer toward the back of the bike. theres a matching pannel im making for the other side.
heck of a man, but not heck of a welder. these already got cleaned up.
this is not the sprocket that will sstay on the bike, its not the origional either.
any help with the id would be much appreciated
not to bad for a 15 year old with a hammer and dolly. thinking of making this longer toward the back of the bike. theres a matching pannel im making for the other side.
heck of a man, but not heck of a welder. these already got cleaned up.
this is not the sprocket that will sstay on the bike, its not the origional either.