Nice pic!
If you don't like us you can ride off
as early as you wish. Just let us know
you have had enough so we don't spend time looking for you. No rider left behind.
We stay out into the dark...Stevil
Make sure you get someone in the group's phone number to let them know you're around. The posse can change direction at a seconds notice! Jus' say'nHaha that's escalated quickly, haha kidding. I was more so wondering because if I do go, it would be till 10:00 o'clock or after and I didn't want to get there and no one be there.
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I would think if we are still riding at 10 it would be winding down shortly by then. Heres the thing...we have a meeting time and place. Will wait for members caught in traffic running late etc.... once we start ..we just ride. We dont h a ve a schedule like at 6 o'clock we are at point A and 7 we will be at point B . We dont ride like that. Could go here..could go over there. .could go off the trail into a little town to check out a restaurant or bike shop. We could be in a number of places with phones in our knapsacks. So for that reason its pretty hard to join in on a middle of a ride.
Might be the new guy getting defensive but.......
Unfortunately my schedule doesn't allow me to get there at 6. I've been trying to make the noho ride since a signed up, but life happens and haven't been able to make any of the rides.
So i guess if I .
Might be the new guy getting defensive but.......
Unfortunately my schedule doesn't allow me to get there at 6. I've been trying to make the noho ride since a signed up, but life happens and haven't been able to make any of the rides.
So i guess if I make it up there tonight, I'll ride around, noho isn't that big it shouldn't be to hard to find a mob of people on bikes or bikes parked.
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