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TheFlyingDingo said:
Here is the 20" General lee. Forgot I took a picture.

They've got:
20/24" General Lee
26" Xenia(nice...It's got disk brakes)

:cry: :cry: :cry:

I love my $$$ 100 CL 24" DK Fury ~~~ I fly like a 40 yr old dump truck.



Buck Masterson said:
1) If you don't like a bike, then don't buy it.

2) I have no problem with a company doing what they have to do to stay a float. If they were not willing to do so, then why even be in business?

3) I'm offended by Huffy hate. I happen to like the ones I have.

4) In order to know what is for sale at Wal-Mart, you have to shop there. Weather you buy a bike or not you are supporting the sales. If you don't like the products they sell then don't buy ANYTHING there.

5) See #1.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL said. It seems the world has a problem with Walmart yet the stores are full of people. Someone likes them. The fact they offer Bikes at an affordable price should not make people mad. Be mad at your local bike shops for charging too much. Better yet the last time i checked Walmart employed WAY more people then the local bike shop. And no matter what you say about Walmart underpaying their employees...there is something called CHOICES. If you don't like the pay DONT FILL OUT AN AP FOR A JOB.....not to mention there is NO BIKE shop in this world paying their employees enough to live on. NONE...ZERO.

So why not buy Walmart bikes..use them for parts and have a good looking bike. The rims on the bikes are good enough for what most people use them for. 90% of the bikes i see on here being built is for looks..not comfort or durability. You cant tell me the bikes with handle bars below the seat is a thing of comfort. So the $79 dollar bikes at Walmart are less expensive to buy then buying a rear rim for $99.
Dont be hatin on the local bike shops... yes its true they dont employ as many people as Walmart, but they provide service you just cant get anywhere else. Buy the Walmart bike, break it.... and then try to get them to fix what they sell, Aint gonna happen.

Maybe if you kept your receipt you could get them to swap you out with a new one? :roll:

Local bike shops can fix that bike, probably a whole lot cheaper than throwing it away and buying a new one.

Bottom line... Walmart has its place in this world, just like all good local bike shops!
naturephotoboy3 said:
Buck Masterson said:
1) If you don't like a bike, then don't buy it.

2) I have no problem with a company doing what they have to do to stay a float. If they were not willing to do so, then why even be in business?

3) I'm offended by Huffy hate. I happen to like the ones I have.

4) In order to know what is for sale at Wal-Mart, you have to shop there. Weather you buy a bike or not you are supporting the sales. If you don't like the products they sell then don't buy ANYTHING there.

5) See #1.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL said. It seems the world has a problem with Walmart yet the stores are full of people. Someone likes them. The fact they offer Bikes at an affordable price should not make people mad. Be mad at your local bike shops for charging too much. Better yet the last time i checked Walmart employed WAY more people then the local bike shop. And no matter what you say about Walmart underpaying their employees...there is something called CHOICES. If you don't like the pay DONT FILL OUT AN AP FOR A JOB.....not to mention there is NO BIKE shop in this world paying their employees enough to live on. NONE...ZERO.

So why not buy Walmart bikes..use them for parts and have a good looking bike. The rims on the bikes are good enough for what most people use them for. 90% of the bikes i see on here being built is for looks..not comfort or durability. You cant tell me the bikes with handle bars below the seat is a thing of comfort. So the $79 dollar bikes at Walmart are less expensive to buy then buying a rear rim for $99.

Again well said. The reason I don't go to Walmart unless absolutely necessary is they are ONLY concerned with the bottom dollar. They have no care one bit in the world for the little guy. If he has to suffer and starve, that is ok, that was his tough luck.

Sorry for jacking the thread.
I'll get off my soap box now.
I don't see it as a bad thing that they are being sold at Walmart but I hope they stick to their guns and keep the quality up to snuff. Also I like Huffys they are great to build rats out of without negatively affecting the value. I have seen many Huffys here that turned out to be really sweet. Just one I built.

The "Bootlegger"
naturephotoboy3 said:
90% of the bikes i see on here being built is for looks..not comfort or durability.

Actually this is exactly the reason I started collecting old Schwinns. But I beat on my bikes, pull heavy loads on a kid's bicycle trailer, sometimes 3 trailers at once, and ride almost every day.
Huffy's are great. It was my first brand new bike, parent bought it for me for Christmas when I was 7 or 8. I have another I bought from some local kid for $30, that I am going to do up in commemoration to my alma mater UTSA. Just going to need a little body work to get up to snuff for my liking. The welds were horrible. The Chinese did not even bother grinding off the splatter from the welds.
Fahrrad said:
naturephotoboy3 said:
Buck Masterson said:
1) If you don't like a bike, then don't buy it.

2) I have no problem with a company doing what they have to do to stay a float. If they were not willing to do so, then why even be in business?

3) I'm offended by Huffy hate. I happen to like the ones I have.

4) In order to know what is for sale at Wal-Mart, you have to shop there. Weather you buy a bike or not you are supporting the sales. If you don't like the products they sell then don't buy ANYTHING there.

5) See #1.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL said. It seems the world has a problem with Walmart yet the stores are full of people. Someone likes them. The fact they offer Bikes at an affordable price should not make people mad. Be mad at your local bike shops for charging too much. Better yet the last time i checked Walmart employed WAY more people then the local bike shop. And no matter what you say about Walmart underpaying their employees...there is something called CHOICES. If you don't like the pay DONT FILL OUT AN AP FOR A JOB.....not to mention there is NO BIKE shop in this world paying their employees enough to live on. NONE...ZERO.

So why not buy Walmart bikes..use them for parts and have a good looking bike. The rims on the bikes are good enough for what most people use them for. 90% of the bikes i see on here being built is for looks..not comfort or durability. You cant tell me the bikes with handle bars below the seat is a thing of comfort. So the $79 dollar bikes at Walmart are less expensive to buy then buying a rear rim for $99.

Again well said. The reason I don't go to Walmart unless absolutely necessary is they are ONLY concerned with the bottom dollar. They have no care one bit in the world for the little guy. If he has to suffer and starve, that is ok, that was his tough luck.

Sorry for jacking the thread.
I'll get off my soap box now.

Show me business that isn't in it for the bottom dollar. Schwinn for instance. Where are they made?? In a place that makes their bottom dollar gets fatter and the pay to the employees gets smaller. We live in a world of BOTTOM DOLLAR crunchers. And I agree it's a sad thing.
As far as buying your bike at a local bike shop because they can fix it..well thing is, FIX IT YOURSELF. Buy it at Walmart..break it and go to a small shop to have it fixed and you pay as much as it cost new. Unless you ride hard everyday the chances your walmart bike lasting for years is pretty good.
The walmart debate will go on forever. The numbers dont lie. If people didnt want walmart to survive they would fold.
My last posting on this topic. I dont' want to be known as a guy that loves Walmart for their business principals. Nor do I want to see the little guy or local bike shops go away. I'd love to be able to buy parts at a bike shop. Problem is...I like most of you on here build or mess with old bikes with hard to find parts. And when it comes to tires for the bikes we build least here in Arizona..most local shops do NOT have anything that is decent. Most of my parts/tires arre purchased on line. Simple parts like chains and handle bars can be bought local. I'd love for someone to actually be into the older bike parts or cool looking tires here in Arizona. I'd spend all my bike money there. Local bike shops here have 99% super high end road bikes. I asked the other day for some 20" Blue BMX tirs I need for an Evel knievel bike i am starting. You would have thought I ask for gold plated tires by their reaction. one person posted earlier...Walmart has their placein the world. With the way the world is with instability in our jobs and money..I can't see why I should pay 2 to 3 times more at a grocery store for food when I can make my money go further and provide for my family and yes..but it at Walmart.

Everyone on this site is super cool and I enjoy the responses from the gallery. Thank god we all agree on one thing..BUILDING BIKES IS FUN. And it is so nice ot have this site to see other bike builds to get ideas and learn from. For that I am greatful.