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Sep 28, 2015
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This should be easy (I think)

And finally, there seems to be the remains of a headbadge sticker or label under god knows how many paintjobs...

I'm thinking another Columbia built? But no idea about badging...
anyone recognize the shape of the headbadging?
Could be wrong, but think this might be another Murray built bike. I base that on the chain ring only, still another cool find. Are these things falling from the sky?
Could be wrong, but think this might be another Murray built bike. I base that on the chain ring only, still another cool find. Are these things falling from the sky?
Kind of...I got in to Memphis Bicycle Co. after the store was closed after last owner died.
Literally TONS of vintage bikes piled out back from5 decades as a bike shop....
I did some painting for new owner and got a couple truckloads of goodies for my trouble. Unfortunately, the guy pried off ALL the headbadges and really did his best to screw me. Luckily for me, my unknowing eye for what I like seems to have been steering me right towards the cool stuff.
Every cool bike I have I had to fight for with a loud aussie developer.

Here's the history I could find...

It truly hurts knowing that this aussie shipped FIVE packed full shipping containers of Vintage bikes out to cali before I ever found out the place was being opened again. There was a huge shed out back literally piled to the roof with untouched original vintage bikes in whatever shape they came into the shop. The owners apparently NEVER threw ANYTHING away.
There were rumors of a COMPLETE UNTOUCHED FACTORY PERFECT collection of every single Schwinn Crate bike ever made that was holding up the sale for decades as family fought it out in court, but no idea if true.
I DO know this shop had EXCLUSIVE Schwinn stuff never sold to anyone but dealers.
I still have more stuff waiting for love too....

Here's some pics of the shop as I found it:

This pic shows the fraction left of original roof high pile after 5 containers removed:

Pile was originally covering all floor area and 15ft high or more.

I'm waiting for some of them to start showing up online and out west...
Patina and history like this was not sold cheap and WILL show up eventually.
I fully expect this shop finally opening up will substantially change the market for old bikes.
Especially pre war skiptooth stuff, which is what made up 90% of those shipping containers according to an employee of the aussie....
then same guy who managed to slip me some of the good stuff.
That's still a decent pile, would love to dive into something like that. Maybe finally find a frame for my wife's build.

If the guy that filled containers is shipping them to OZ, there's a chance we could see one in the hands of Lukethejoker.
I agree. There was untold thousands of dollars in original vintage bikes left to rot under the Memphis sun.
God only knows what was REALLY here when the doors were finally cracked...
That Aussie was a slimy bastard and knew FAR too much about his bikes for my liking.
That's still a decent pile, would love to dive into something like that. Maybe finally find a frame for my wife's build.

If the guy that filled containers is shipping them to OZ, there's a chance we could see one in the hands of Lukethejoker.
I wish, anything cool and vintage American here is out of my pricerange!
Actually hearing what kind of person he is would probably stop me bidding just out of principle...

Murray built - 1946. The rear facing dropout and dropstand ears are a relatively rarer version of this frame. The fork is probably not original.
I know the old owner and the new one. Been in the shop several times. Most of the bikes out back were wrecked or rotten. The high dollar, rare parts were sold off in the '80's. Still some gems hidden in the cracks though, my stash is very healthy right now. Although, Ted is a businessman, he is trying to get the best return for his investment. Some of his practices I didnt like, but I did get some awesome deals from him. Besides, this stuff wouldn't have never been for sale if Ted didnt buy it (building -in-all). I'm going to keep digging till its all gone! You never know!
Yeah. I'm mostly annoyed he screwed me out of a bunch of stuff AFTER the work was done.
You are 100% correct in the fact we are damn lucky to get a chance like this at all.
FAR too many developers these days would have simply sold it off at scrap prices with no regard for the history
He did screw me over at first too. I was one of the first people in there, when the store was still full, and the pile out back reached the sky. He told me to dig in and we would settle on a price. After lots of digging (and time), most of what I pulled out he wouldn't sell to me.BULL****! I didn't go back for at least a month. After that he was totally cool and gave me some good deals.
Are you by any chance familiar with a certain green Sears bicycle frame? If so. I'm the painter who has it....
That is definitely a Murray built frame. The 'knuckle' joint at the top tube and seat tube are a dead giveaway. The built in seat clamp also.

I have three bikes with that frame. Two are original and one piecemeal.

My earliest which was guessed as a 46 (MOS-L) has rear facing dropouts but no drop stand ears. The other two which are a 47's (MOS-M and MOM) have forward facing dropouts.

This one would be an early version of this frame style (used for base models, color streams, color flows, manifold tank, etc). I have seen another with the dropouts like mine, but never with the ears before.

I'm not aware of there having been a 1945 model year being made due to the war, but the MOS-K coincide with that.

My understanding is that prior to wwii everything was badged Elgin and became JC Higgins after the gap. Wondering if those rear dropouts were leftovers from Elgin.

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