(ORBO) Entry from Gig Mata. "Sorcery"

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Cane Creek came to the rescue on that. They make a headset that has the 1 1/2" bearing external of the headtube. It is a pretty trick idea and reminds me of external bearing bottom brackets on road bikes.

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I have been crazy busy as I am Admiral of the South Bay Yacht Club. I have many duties. I've had to call full stop on "Sorcery." I have been booked for 5 weeks of duty on the island of Anguilla. It is somewhere in the Caribbean. I am hoping they have seafood there. I am really going for 5 weeks. That's not a joke.

Earlier this evening the wheels for the " '33 Special" that I am building for my brother came back so I threw them on. You will see the many bits of "Sorcery" in the background.



It is coming along but I won't finish it before I have to fly out on Sunday. Enjoy the pics.

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Really? The Caribbean for 5 weeks. Admiral of a yacht club? Am I in the wrong hobby or something?

I hope your duties don't prevent you from having some fun while you're there.
Really? The Caribbean for 5 weeks. Admiral of a yacht club? Am I in the wrong hobby or something?

I hope your duties don't prevent you from having some fun while you're there.
I was told I would have 8-10 work days but have to work 6 day weeks. Still not bad.

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Hey Falstaff, I wrote "stuck" in quotes. Now I am officially in Anguilla. So far, so good. 60 degrees in February sounds amazing. Back in Indiana when I was a kid my younger brother and I would race Popsicle sticks in the runoff from melting snow. I'd race you but you'd win. No snow here to melt.

- by Gigmata
Yea, I saw the quotes. I had to josh around a bit, if I had the opportunity to do what you're doing I'd take it too. Nothing like being "stuck" in paradise.

No stick races today, snow melted Saturday. New snow tomorrow night will probably be here a few days.

Ahoy! Do keep warm. The work days have been long and humid here. No kidding, I am outside less than 20 minutes/day. That's all. I will likely have a day off in a few weeks so I am talking with some locals about some great activities here.

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I will be out of the country until April 9 but I will finish the bike when i get home.

One of the bosses made me take a day off so I went to Sandy Island of the coast of Anguilla. The key is roughly the size of a football field but a bit more beautiful.




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I have been back from the islands for a month and other than dropping the frame and parts at the powder coated I haven't spent much time thinking about "Sorcery." Tonight I relaxed (doctor's orders) by slapping stickers on the number plate for "Sorcery."

I am often asked what the numbers mean. They are never arbitrary. 13 is no exception. While in Anguilla I transitioned into being diabetic. I could've died due to blood sugar being off the
meter. My mother, a diabetic for over thirty years and former nurse's aid for around twenty-five, estimates my blood sugar was around eight hundred based on what I had consumed. I was rushed to the hospital the Tuesday before I was to fly back to the states. I spent 3 whole days barely moving out of bed #: 13.


"Sorecery" is a build I plan on keeping and using. That is why I have been collecting my best parts as well as long desired parts to build "Sorcery." I have been riding more since I have returned. Most of that of "The Great Blue Yale" and
"Thunder Star."

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Good thing you're into bikes, Dr. probably gonna say you need to exercise. And what better way than on a bike you built.
Looks like you had fun while away.

Welcome back. Looking forward to what's next.
I said I was leaving this perfectly good Felt Speedway alone.

The paint is amazing but I just can't seem to defy my nature. It will be red by Friday. It will have Girvin cross-link forks, it will have a face shield number plate with old timey lettering on it, it will have a leather seat, it will have custom graphics, and it will look very much the lovechild of "Dreamcatcher" and "YELLow Belly." I am going full boardtrack racer on it. I am ordering the seat post now. [emoji7]

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I hear tell there's a word for that.