Rat Bikes = Art! ?

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I'm having a problem with Zip files... if you can send unzipped that's better.

I did receive the emails from Doug and Pete.

Others who will be participating I need your info and a couple good bike pics.

Thanks a lot guys-
Getting the whole package together. I want to submit it by the end of the month.


Graylock said:
I sent something to you via schwinn mail yesterday. It was sent compressed as an attachment. If you can't open it I'll resend it opened. Most likely left something out besides not listing a price.

Thanks Joey, I have your pics and would just need your artists info. No rush on that part of it.

I'm printing out what I have and putting together the package to be "formally reviewed" by the gallery...

will let everyone know how it goes!

Any other NERRB guys ready yet?


JoeyMac said:
I will send something a little later on.
Info sent. I'm looking forward to the show. I might add another bike if I can stand to be without it during the summer.
Thanks Bigcam, received your info. Other CT/Mass/RI/NY builders, you're all welcome to join. I will probably be able to add a few extra bikes in when things are finalized, but the sooner I can confirm your participation the better.


Bigcam59 said:
Info sent. I'm looking forward to the show. I might add another bike if I can stand to be without it during the summer.

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