Awesome work on the name and logo Glen! Really nice!
LukeTheJoker said:Nice work Glen! See you over at the finished bikes thread!
kingfish254 said:Great work going on in that shop of yours!
Dig the hangi sack, even though I dont know what hangi is.
Love the shifter!
Tick Tock.
deven_science said:Covering the pedals with inner tube looks good! Great idea.
I love Glen's builds, they're so organic and the use of 'found art''s really more hard core than looking at some of the showroom quality bikes...they all tend to look sortof the same after a while.
In my woodworking career, I used to build furniture out of reclaimed 'anything'. driftwood, tree limbs, deadwood... much more creative than just going to the lumber yard......ha
and....those pieces always got the most attention, it seems.
Clever ideas Glen....
Oh, maybe another reason I feel simpatico is that I just picked up a cheapo flux core like he uses....not because I'm cheap, I'm broke, (there's a difference)....I think when you're broke it tends to lead one to workarounds that are often more creative then sending your ideas off to your 'welder', your 'striper', your painter', your 'chrome guy', your 'powdercoat guy" get the idea....I don't see that as really 'building a bike. uh uh...not at all ....ya gotta hunt for junk and get your knees dirty.....
Rock on Glenster.
F r a n c o