This is a tough crowd around here!! Okay then......... I decided the seatpan would be a good place to do a little artwork. This bike is gonna be hotter than gold teeth :mrgreen: The skull is white house paint, and the wings and teeth are **gold** leaf! Scuffed it up with a wire brush to make it match the bike better. I MIGHT stripe the wings to define them a little better, not sure yet. What do you guys think?
I like the creative details on this bike. What about scratching some detail on the wings, with the point of a nail or something kind of sharp, but not razor edged? That way it'd give it a rough scratch rather than a cut.
Are you using typewriter stamps to hammer the lettering?
Thanks guys for the feedback! Here's one last teaser shot of the tank before the final step. The pattern is all done! Today the "process" begins where's the sand at??? 8)
Okay everyone, here's the big surprise I've been saving for last. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this has NEVER been done on a rat rod bike before, or at least I've never seen it. As a sculptor, I am fortunate enough to have access to equipment and techniques that the average person doesn't, so I figured I better use 'em if I wanted to compete! :lol: Sooooo here we go....
Got my patterns for the tank. Add a little....sand??
Magically hardening sand! After this I made the back half of the mold, which means the tank halves will be hollow.
Now time for some MOLTEN METAL (that's me!)
The results. The extra metal around the tanks are channels where the molten metal enters the mold.
And there you have it,what I believe to be the first ever CAST ALUMINUM TANK for a rat rod bike. If I am wrong, I'm sure you guys will set me straight :mrgreen: Now to break out the sawzall and grinder 8)
nope no one has ever done that to my knowledge. however clothespin in the first build off with his bike "pin it" did do a tank similar to yours in style. he was going for a flat head ford look with the tank. but yours takes it to a new level well done
Yeah when I first found this site four or five years ago I saw that bike and thought "now THAT'S what it's all about!" It will always be one of my favorites of all time. 8)