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hmmm, i think i need to clarify myself... am i complaining about the rules? no, absolutely not... do i think anyone has broken any rules? not that i can see..... will i have a cool bike i built myself? of course i will and i'll be proud of what i've made....i guess people just naturally think "he suggested a change..(gasp!) he must be complaining! get him!...." so let the pro-welder hate mail end. my original post was just adding my 2 cents on the subject already being discussed, about a alternate way we could keep the field on level ground for future builds. i definitely have no problem what so ever with the rules and the ways members are building their bikes. i dont mind not having a welder because i'll always find ways around it, in fact it really does make me think in a new direction. it's kind of refreshing to walk my own path when slag and sparks are falling all around me. i guess there's an extra degree of satisfaction knowing i can make something work without welding, but maybe that's just me...

in my first post on this subject i said that i usually don't get involved in these discussions. i am now quickly reminded why.
i dont think anyone is coming down on anyone. we are all just tossing in our thoughts think of it as a debate. it happens every year and is nothing new. I CALL A GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!
Wow! I missed three pages of a great discussion. Since I am one of the builders "stretching" the rules, allow me to put down my pop corn and chime in. This is just my .02 here so don't nobody get offended as I'm not pointing anyone out. As an early member (#166) I have seen some changes in this place and the philosophy of it as well. I find, this is just my opinion, that a lot of people are worrying about a lot of things outside of having fun.

It used to be that Rat Rod Bikes were put together the cheapest and coolest way possible. The build off is not about winning at all. It's about pushing yourself beyond the normal build in the hope that at least one person will like your bike enough to waste his/her vote on it. Because at the onset you build your bike for you first, the fact that people like what you do pushes you ahead a bit more, you learn new skills in the process and you end up with a unique and cool bike.

I guess the hobby is about to get to a point where it will split off from the Mothership into smaller niches. You'll have the ultra orthodox Rat bikes, the new style anything goes Rat bikes and everything else in the middle of both ends. I'm not dissing it, it's bound to happen and with age you learn to accept these things.

At least I'll get to say, if someone ever takes the time to write our story, "Yeah Bro, I know. I was there from the beginning and it was awesome". Hopefully, it will still be awesome.

Now I have to let you guys go and figure a way to bolt something to stretch the front of my bike! :mrgreen:

Just build and have fun or stress will give you a heart attack. Trust me on that.
Ok, just catching up on this thread. to me the issue is simple, as I'm one of the ones considering making a full suspension bike. I didn't consider it even bending the rules. my last two bikes were all backyard left over parts and I'm proud of them even though I didn't get lots of votes, I did make it into the calendar.
here is how I see it, it doesn't take welding or fabricating to make an awesome bike. it is just as likely that a bike without any frame mods or added attachments can win as not, it's entirely up to the builders creativity and vision, also the mood and fun of his or her build thread.
I offer as my supporting evidence, one of the coolest bikes built on this site (second only to Godzilla of course :roll: )
Sence this is my first RRBBO
Is their a Winners Gallery?
How are winners chosen?
And for the record I really like this compition---the no chopping the frame rule really rocks---limits the work in a way that really levels the playing field.
any yes I'm enjoying the stress---and all the other bikes being built too.
Hey Steve, that's a great idea, why don't you make a greatest hits of the build offs thread. you could have all the winners and the seconds and thirds and some honorable mentions. :!:
hehehe imagine if people spent all the energy they used worrying about other people on building cool bikes there would be lots of done bikes by now! :)
Looks like almost everybody is stealing my air in the tires idea this year, but you don't see me complaining. :mrgreen:
deorman said:
Looks like almost everybody is stealing my air in the tires idea this year, but you don't see me complaining. :mrgreen:

just dont steal my "brakes" idea and i wont use your "air in the tires" idea :wink:

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