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Me and Kow. He's about 18YO. Never more than 10 feet away from me.
I don't think anyone has a cat. Cats are definitely their own boss. Some people think they don't do anything, but they keep my shop rat free and snake free. I just have to give the shop a good wash occasionally. There's a trough built in so I can flush it out.

These are just two of the cats that roam freely through my shop. I don't know what they are talking about but it must be something important.

we have another feral/stray that rarely comes in the house. The kids named her Lizzy. She does not understand the concept behind the litter box apparently.

we have another feral/stray that rarely comes in the house. The kids named her Lizzy. She does not understand the concept behind the litter box apparently.

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It's a comfort/safety thing. It's the only thing in the house that has her 'scent' (for better or worse). Our stray rescue would do the same thing off and on, when she was anxious, for the first couple months.
this cat is crazy as a loon and is only ever anxious. This is the first time we've seen her relax in our house and it's only because she's 5 feet from an open door.
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