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bikejunkie said:
I dont think that stem is rat rod enough.Just go ahead and ship it to me!!!!!!!! :lol: So bummed,I got all my parts together,stripped,painted and found out the headtube has been flaired to 1 1/8th!!!! its now dead to me and on the hunt for another frame. :(
man I'm searching for some but cant find any. :(
outsider13, your frame looks nice...makes me wanna strip the paint off my IND and get it refinished in clear. not anytime soon, anyhow. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Bikejunkie, a shame about your headtube. What makes ppl do things like that? Especially now that Genuine makes the Retro Ryder headset, which allows you to run a 1.125" threadless set up within any old-school/OPC headtube without any frame mods. Good luck finding another one... look up ind-chuckz. He always seems to be sitting on piles of worksman stuff.

Thanks for the lead on another Worksman! :D I think someone just tried to turn the 3 bar into a newer bmx bike.But couldnt wait and got a hold of a columbia 3 bar frame to replace my damaged frame.Wierd thing is on my Columbia frame the downtube wraps under the bottom bracket!Never seen anything like it.
bikejunkie said:
Thanks for the lead on another Worksman! :D I think someone just tried to turn the 3 bar into a newer bmx bike.But couldnt wait and got a hold of a columbia 3 bar frame to replace my damaged frame.Wierd thing is on my Columbia frame the downtube wraps under the bottom bracket!Never seen anything like it.

That sounds cool; post pics?
chimichanga said:
bikejunkie said:
I dont think that stem is rat rod enough.Just go ahead and ship it to me!!!!!!!! :lol: So bummed,I got all my parts together,stripped,painted and found out the headtube has been flaired to 1 1/8th!!!! its now dead to me and on the hunt for another frame. :(
man I'm searching for some but cant find any. :(

Hey bikejunkie,Don't discard it Ii's not dead yet :shock: can you post a pic of the head tube!., Ya the stem was only $5.00 at a swap meet, it fits those motorcycle bars really well :mrgreen:
HEY chimiI, Try Dave @ the bike center in the park, He still Might be HORDING some. :roll:
Thanks every one for the comp.'s I'll post pics when I'm done :shock: :idea: :!: :arrow: :mrgreen:
Ya the stem was only $5.00 at a swap meet,

:eek: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn nice score on that stem!!! :D Does he have more!!??
outsider13 said:
chimichanga said:
bikejunkie said:
I dont think that stem is rat rod enough.Just go ahead and ship it to me!!!!!!!! :lol: So bummed,I got all my parts together,stripped,painted and found out the headtube has been flaired to 1 1/8th!!!! its now dead to me and on the hunt for another frame. :(
man I'm searching for some but cant find any. :(

Hey bikejunkie,Don't discard it Ii's not dead yet :shock: can you post a pic of the head tube!., Ya the stem was only $5.00 at a swap meet, it fits those motorcycle bars really well :mrgreen:
HEY chimiI, Try Dave @ the bike center in the park, He still Might be HORDING some. :roll:
Thanks every one for the comp.'s I'll post pics when I'm done :shock: :idea: :!: :arrow: :mrgreen:
The bike that bikejunkie has I got from you. I know it had a headset but I just can't find it. I'll definitely ask dave if he has any headsets for sale.
chimi, Actually you got the bike from Dave, It was one of the Boeing bikes.
bikejunkie couldn't you use a BMX large headset or a MTB headset w/ adapter=1 1/8" to 1" .
I'd still would like to see a pic of the head tube [I might be interested in the frame if bikejunkie,you are not going to use it.] :shock:
I could make somethin work for sure,just got bummed when I went to build it and it didnt work.You know when you have everything laid out ready to go and you get a stick in the spokes all the wind leaves your sails!!! :lol: I'll get a pic up today,the frame has other issues though.OUTSIDER13 you can swing by my place in Downey and take it if you can use it.I have too many projects to start another one. :D If you do call me 562 299 2738 my name is matt.Hey did you guys ever see the stack of Worksman bikes at Boeing when they were moving out!!!!!!!????????That was crazy,a whole diesel trailer filled to the top.I wanted to jump that fence so freakin bad!!All the cycle trucks and other 3 bar bikes.I guess a guy bought the whole lot from what I was told.
Bikejunkie, did you have the right kind of 1" headset? You'll need the older OPC-type standard 1" threadless, with the 32.5 OD cups...
Not quite big enough for 1 1/8" headsets, but far too big for the "normal" 1" threaded headsets, like roadbikes and such have...

If anyone is looking for a well used Worksman, I run across them all the time. There were at least 3 others available at my local industrial surplus store.
Joe_Knesek said:
If anyone is looking for a well used Worksman, I run across them all the time. There were at least 3 others available at my local industrial surplus store.

I'd take 'em, part em out, sell em in the "for sale" forum. The wheels, frames, and forks seem to go really fast if they're priced correctly.

Incidentally, I'm always on the look-out for the lugged crown worksman forks of yesteryear. And, LBG framesets.

TheFlyingDingo said:
Joe_Knesek said:
TheFlyingDingo said:
I'm looking for a cheap one, someone bought all of mine... :lol:

I paid $40.00 for one last week. I'll stop by and see what they have on Monday & get back to you.
That would be fantastic. Thanks.

The second bike to the right is still available for $49.00. The orange bike is actually the one I picked up last week. The other 2 are pretty rough.
